After the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment
Exacerbation of gastritis of the stomach: first symptoms and treatment
Why does the autumn exacerbation occur? Even for a healthy person, the transition to autumn is stressful.
Causes and treatment of diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy
Other Causes of Bowel Distress Worst when diarrhea at 37 weeks is not related to
The dangers of coffee: a statement based on facts
About caffeine One two hundred and forty milliliter cup of coffee contains approximately 95 mg of caffeine.
Allohol for pancreatitis: indications and contraindications, instructions for the drug, medical advice
Characteristics and beneficial properties of allochol Allochol is a natural medicine based on dry bile,
Is De-Nol effective for GERD and heartburn?
De Nol for reflux gastritis De-Nol is a bismuth-based drug that is prescribed
Stomach tumor
What is a submucosal formation of the stomach?
Knowledge about tumors in the stomach area will help you recognize them in a timely manner and consult a doctor.
Trimedat for gastritis with low acidity
More information about the drug The drug is included in a complex treatment regimen in order to restore normal excretion
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Using Almagel for heartburn - instructions
Almagel A refers to medications that are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. A drug
Medicinal herbs for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids: treatment at home with folk remedies quickly
Published 05/09/2020 · Comments: · Reading time: 11 min · Views: Post Views: 16
Nausea and stomach ache from eggs
Why does my stomach hurt after eggs? It has been recorded that stomach pain occurs after eggs.
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