Preparation for intestinal irrigoscopy with Fortrans
Absorption of nutrients occurs in the intestines, and the important role of this has also been proven relatively recently.
Proctosigmoiditis: what it is, symptoms, types and treatment methods
Proctosigmoiditis is an inflammatory disease of the sigmoid and rectum with predominant damage to the mucous membrane,
Abdominal pain
Treatment for Helicobacter with folk remedies
Symptoms There are a number of signs indicating the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach: increased gas formation; whitish
Disabled gallbladder on ultrasound
Causes and treatment of a disabled gallbladder
What is a disabled gallbladder? Any competent doctor will say that, as such, the diagnosis is under
What should pregnant women do if they have symptoms of rotavirus?
Causes of occurrence The causes of rotavirus are not the same - contact with a sick person, simple dirty hands. IN
The correct diet for a child 1–6 years old with diarrhea, what can and cannot be fed to children?
What to feed a child with an upset stomach
The digestive system in children is imperfect, so diarrhea is common. It can appear in different ways
Causes of the disease
Folk remedies for treating pancreas in women
Causes and symptoms of the disease The general state of health depends on the condition of the pancreas. Violations in
How long do you live after surgery for pancreatic cancer?
Resection is an operation during which part of an organ is removed. The most common indication for such
What to do if appendicitis bursts: what are the consequences?
How is purulent appendicitis diagnosed and is it dangerous?
Rupture of the appendix due to acute or chronic appendicitis is the result of failure to provide emergency medical care
Basic recommendations for preparing a diet for pancreatitis with gastritis
Why does the doctor prescribe a diet? Pancreatitis involves the development of an inflammatory process in the pancreas, which is
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