The right diet for a diseased intestine, dietary habits during an exacerbation and a sample menu
When your intestines hurt, what can you eat? Diet for pain in the intestines with disorders
Everything depends on the functioning of the intestines: the absorption of vitamins, the beauty of skin and hair, immunity, slimness. Can
healthy foods for the stomach
Easily digestible foods and their role in the diet
The stomach is one of the main organs of the digestive system. Any deficiencies in the diet are negative
menu for guards
Peak colic in newborns at what weeks?
What is colic? Infant colic saddens the lives of many parents. They torture older babies
What should parents do if their newborn’s stomach hurts?
Relieving the baby's condition Methods of providing effective assistance to a newborn depend on the cause of the pain in
Effective drugs against dysbiosis for children
When there is an imbalance of obligate beneficial and opportunistic microflora in the intestine, gastroenterologists, based on the results
Duodenal ulcer: how is the pathology manifested and treated?
General description Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic seasonal recurrent disease
My stomach hurts
Diet for indigestion - diet in the acute period and during remission
General information A gentle way of eating in different cultures and peoples may differ, exclude
gastrointestinal cleansing methods
How to cleanse the intestines at home without an enema
Colon cleansing without an enema is used for many reasons. It has always been popular to be
Why does constipation occur before menstruation, how to treat it
Why does constipation occur before menstruation, how to treat it
Almost everyone experiences constipation from time to time, but women are especially prone to
What is appendiceal infiltrate and how to treat it?
Infiltration after surgery is one of the most common complications after surgery. develop
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