Pancreatic juice enzymes, the lack of which in pancreatitis causes disruption of food digestion.
Diarrhea with pancreatitis: how to stop, treatment methods
Causes of diarrhea in pancreatitis Doctors note that in acute pancreatitis, patients, as a rule,
Life after gallbladder removal: important tips
In this article we will look at the main aspects of life after gallbladder removal. This operation
"Talicia" (Talicia, omeprazole amoxicillin rifabutin, 10/250/12.5 mg).
"Talisia": a new highly effective Helicobacter pylori eradication scheme
The main thing is that the Israeli RedHill Biopharma offered Talicia (Talicia, omeprazole + amoxicillin + rifabutin,
human intestine diagram
The structure of the human intestine in pictures for women
The human intestine is one of the most important organs, performing many necessary functions for normal
Stricture (narrowing) of the esophagus - as a complication of GERD
What is an esophageal stricture? The esophagus is a long muscular tube that allows food to pass from
Burning sensation in the esophagus, throat, stomach: causes and treatment
Causes of burning Burning in the stomach, esophagus or throat can be caused by pathological processes in
Laparoscopic appendectomy
Laparoscopy for acute appendicitis: who should do it, technique, complications and recovery
Is it possible to remove appendicitis by laparoscopy? The appendix is ​​removed either traditionally or by
When you can’t perform FGDS of the stomach
What is FGDS of the stomach? How is it carried out?
Indications The FGDS procedure is prescribed in the presence of the following symptoms: pain in the stomach immediately and
Diarrhea in a child
Recommendations for mothers: how to stop diarrhea in a 1 year old child
Why does diarrhea occur? Diarrhea in a one-year-old child is caused by various factors and phenomena. Poor nutrition
Duration of food digestion
For patients: How is food digested in the human body?
Duration of food digestion in the human stomach In order to be absorbed, complex food compounds must first
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