Contraindications to the use of black peppercorns for diarrhea, method of use, beneficial properties and composition
Diarrhea (diarrhea) is an intestinal disorder characterized by frequent liquid bowel movements. The presence of diarrhea indicates serious
Woman sneezes
What is this strange cold with nausea and vomiting?
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The child has a stomach ache and green stools, diarrhea
Causes Causes of green diarrhea: dysbacteriosis; intestinal infection; liver diseases; intestinal bleeding (rare). Diarrhea, colored
Diarrhea in a child
How to help a child with diarrhea without fever
Causes of watery diarrhea in children Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but is a complication
Subatrophic gastritis: how to eliminate the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa
Subatrophic gastritis is an inflammatory pathology characterized by damage to the mucous membrane lining the stomach. This form
How to eat properly after a colonoscopy? Recommendations and reviews
Restoration of normal bowel function takes place under the supervision of the attending physician. Nutrition after intestinal colonoscopy -
Endoscopy of the esophagus
Thermal burn of the esophagus with hot food treatment at home
The tissues of the esophagus are most sensitive to the effects of chemicals. If a person swallows any of the aggressive
Therapeutic diet for intestinal diverticulosis, nutritional rules and sample menu
Diet for intestinal diverticulosis menu for a week
Any intestinal pathology requires a radical revision of nutrition. Diverticulosis is often accompanied by stool disorders and unpleasant sensations.
Heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester
How does heartburn manifest itself and how is it treated during pregnancy in the third trimester?
If heartburn in the early stages does not bother every woman, then avoid this fate
What is the environment in the stomach, norm and deviations
The development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with destabilization of stomach acid levels, therefore
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