Ligation of esophageal veins
Varicose veins of the esophagus: signs, treatment methods, prognosis
Ligation of the esophageal veins is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure, which is an important component of the complex treatment of portal
Spasms and pain in the large intestine
Neurotropic antispasmodics The mechanism of action of drugs from this group is associated with blocking the conduction of excitation from
Diarrhea twists the stomach what to take from tablets
What is it? Sometimes the stomach turns due to a reaction of the intestines to certain foods. IN
Foods that increase stomach acidity, how to choose the right diet
The danger of acidity deviation from the norm If the gastrointestinal tract is not functioning properly, food is poorly digested and the body does not receive enough
Kissel for diarrhea
Is it possible to use jelly for a child with vomiting and diarrhea?
Every person has encountered the problem of intestinal disorders or diarrhea. If this is a one-time situation, then
Recovery of the pancreas after antibiotics
To understand how to restore the pancreas, first of all, let’s find out what mechanisms lead to its
Congenital defects of the duodenum
Structure (anatomy) of the organ Anatomically, the duodenum is divided into 4 sections: upper, descending, lower and
skin care around gastrostomy
Gastrostomy. Feeding a patient through a gastrostomy tube
Why and in what cases is tube feeding organized? As a rule, the probe is installed for
Specificity of pain in the large intestine
General information and classification Most often, cancer develops in the sigmoid, cecum and ascending colon
Treatment of hemorrhoids and its complications
Consequences of hemorrhoids in men and women
Mechanism of development of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a disease of the anorectal region associated with a violation of the structure and functioning
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