Pregnant women have many problems: as soon as toxicosis ends, varicose veins and aching pain appear
What is cholesterosis, and what treatment is required to get rid of this pathology?
Beneficial properties of buckwheat Porridge is an essential element of every person’s diet. They are used as side dishes
When heartburn occurs due to pancreatitis, the body signals that it is time to switch to
Feces with pancreatitis take on a mushy form. During defecation, stool is not completely expelled.
Types of malignancy Causes of development Manifestations and symptoms Diagnosis Treatment options Prognosis factors GI stromal
To compare which is better - Maalox or Almagel, you first need to understand the pharmacological properties
Properties of rice To treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, dietary nutrition is prescribed. From the patient's diet
Appendicitis is an inflammatory disease of the appendix of the large intestine, accompanied by pain, characteristic symptoms, rapidly worsening
What is pyloric stenosis? This is an anomaly in the development of the gastrointestinal tract, in which there is a narrowing of the pyloric region.