Garlic enema for parasites - recipes and application

You can diagnose the presence of worms yourself. The most common symptoms: weakness, bags under the eyes, irritability, weight loss. Garlic enema against worms has been used for decades and has already proven itself as an effective method of treating worms.

Helminths appear in the human body quite often. The reasons for their occurrence are commonplace: from unwashed hands to eating raw fish. Are there ways to quickly get rid of them? Garlic is recognized as an effective traditional medicine in the fight against worms, and a garlic enema against dangerous parasites will only speed up the results.

Effectiveness of the method

Enema helps cleanse the body of parasites that inhabit the lower intestine. This method of cleaning is recommended even by experts, who will also help you choose the appropriate recipe.

Helminths pose a significant danger to human life and health. In the process of their life, parasites secrete waste products, wastes and toxins that poison the body. Garlic enema has an antiparasitic and cleansing effect. The procedure is carried out after using anthelmintic drugs.

By definition, an enema is a medical procedure and must be performed under the supervision of a medical professional. Don't experiment with your health! It happens that such intestinal cleansing is not effective, in which case you need to visit a doctor and reliably determine the type of pathogen.


Garlic contains a number of natural ingredients in the fight against parasitic diseases. The main component contained in the vegetable is allicin, which has an anthelmintic effect. Therefore, garlic is used when performing anthelmintic enemas.

By the nature of its effect, the vegetable is also an antioxidant and has bactericidal and cleansing properties. It is used to treat many diseases of various etiologies. The positive qualities of garlic are its fundamental value factor!


Garlic enema for worms is a specific remedy that is not indicated for all patients. Most often it is used in the fight against pinworms. These worms are highly contagious and must be disposed of immediately. Garlic enema belongs to the group of folk methods. So, you can carry out the procedure:

  • Pregnant women. Helminths endanger the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the child. As for traditional medicines, most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • For children. According to statistics, children most often suffer from the disease. Many parents do not want to stuff their children’s bodies with chemicals, which is why they use traditional medicine. Before treatment, be sure to visit a doctor and follow all his further recommendations.
  • For allergy sufferers. If you are allergic to the active components of anthelmintic drugs, then alternative medicine will help you get rid of parasites.

It is still recommended to use a garlic enema for worms in combination with the main treatment. In this case, it will significantly enhance the effect of the therapy.

The effectiveness of garlic enema against worms for children

After a course of procedures, the parasites will disappear from the body; taking medications will not be required. Compared to medications, a garlic enema does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not cause side effects.

A garlic-based enema for worms is used after preliminary diagnosis and consultation with a pediatrician.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. Perhaps an enema will be prescribed in combination with medications. The procedure is suitable for removing worms, but may not have the desired effect on other parasites.

Advantages of garlic enema:

  • the intestinal microflora and the balance of the internal environment are not disturbed;
  • the method is suitable for children;
  • the procedure is simple to perform and can be completed after watching video tutorials on the Internet;
  • accumulations of worms that are located in the bends of the gastrointestinal tract are washed out;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • low number of side effects due to the use of a natural component;
  • can be used as an adjuvant therapy;
  • low cost compared to pharmaceutical drugs;
  • After the procedure, patients note a feeling of lightness, flatulence and bloating disappear, and their general condition improves.

During treatment, the body is not poisoned by waste products of parasites.


Unfortunately, cleansing procedures are not for everyone. A garlic enema can cause significant harm in the following diseases:

  • hemorrhoids and other diseases of the colon;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • hernia in the groin;
  • suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  • fever;
  • high blood pressure;
  • abdominal pain, as well as kidney disease;
  • rehabilitation period;
  • allergic reaction.

Due to such an extensive list of contraindications, consultation with a doctor is required before use. This is especially true for pregnant women and those parents who want to give an enema to their child.

Symptoms of helminthiasis

In folk medicine, there are many anti-worm remedies, the effectiveness of which is evidenced by numerous reviews.

In this case, under no circumstances should you refuse treatment prescribed by a doctor. The reason for contacting him is the appearance of such symptoms in a child as:

  • decreased appetite and weight loss, sometimes abdominal pain;
  • pale skin;
  • reluctance to eat dishes with butter and/or vegetable oil;
  • craving for sweets;
  • grinding teeth in sleep;
  • itching in the anal area.

The last symptom is also typical for adults, especially in the presence of worms such as pinworms. The fact is that female pinworms crawl out of the anus at night and lay eggs near it, which causes unbearable itching.

Take a test for worms

Stages of the procedure

An enema to combat worms can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 2 l. water.

How to do an enema with garlic, and what rules need to be followed:

  1. First you need to cleanse the intestines of feces accumulated there.
  2. The water must be preheated to room temperature. Mix all these components together. To carry out the procedure, you will also need a rubber bulb, pre-treated with an antiseptic solution. Place 50 ml in a pear. solution. To avoid damaging the anus, lubricate the nose of the bulb with Vaseline.
  3. Enema is performed in a lying position on the stomach. It is necessary that the muscles are relaxed. The nose of the pear must be inserted into the anal canal and lightly press on the device. The solution gradually fills the colon. The pear needs to be held in the anus for about 30 seconds. After the enema is removed, the patient should rest for a couple of minutes and then visit the toilet.
  4. Next, you can perform an anthelmintic enema. The classic knee-elbow position, which is applicable to adults, is suitable for the procedure. If you are talking about a small children's enema, then place the child on his side.
  5. As in the case of a preparatory enema, the medicinal solution for worms is not completely administered immediately. After each approach, you need to visit the toilet and empty your bowels. One procedure should contain an average of 4 approaches.

Methods for preparing solutions

As mentioned above, depending on the age of the person suffering from helminthiasis and the intensity of helminthic infestation, the enema can be simply garlic or milk-garlic.

Method one:

  • Take 4 or 6 cloves of garlic, cut them in half, place them in a small ladle and cover with water (200 ml).
  • Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the container from the stove, strain the contents and cool to just above room temperature.
  • Take the broth into a pear-shaped enema of a suitable volume and insert it into the anus.

You need to try to hold on with this solution inside for at least 5, and preferably 10 minutes, then empty yourself.

For anthelmintic enema, temperature control is very important. If the contents are too hot, it will be absorbed faster into the intestinal walls and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease. But an enema that is not warm enough can harm the intestinal mucosa.

Second way:

  • Pour one and a half glasses of milk into a small saucepan and place a whole medium-sized head of garlic in it.
  • Place over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  • After removing from the heat, cool in the same way as in the first method, fill the “pear” and give the enema for 5-10 minutes, then empty.

For such enemas it is better to use natural milk, milk from the cow. It is this whole product that can heal microcracks and small wounds and soften the mucous membrane. Milk sold in stores, as a rule, is made from powder concentrate, and therefore does not have the healing properties of a natural product. Both methods indicate volumes for adults. When treating a child, a small enema the size of an ordinary incandescent lamp should be used.

Folk recipes

On the water

Garlic is effective against all types of helminths, since it contains unique components that kill them. The most popular recipe is a regular garlic enema. It is used for children and adults. So, you will need:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 l. hot water.

Grind the garlic into a paste and add water. For chopping, you can use a garlic press or meat grinder. Infuse the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. If the solution has not cooled to room temperature during this time, wait a little longer. After cooling, pour the tincture into a pear and begin the procedure. You need to repeat the enema once a day.

With milk

By the way, traditional medicine suggests replacing the water and using milk and garlic to prepare the solution. Recipe:

  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 0.5 l. milk.

Cut the garlic into slices and add to the boiling milk. The milk mixture is cooked until the vegetable becomes soft. When this happens, remove the solution from the heat, cool and strain through cheesecloth. The technique for using an enema remains the same. Treatment is best done in the evening. The duration of treatment for worms is a week.

The water procedure may cause discomfort. To avoid this, use a milk-based method.

With onion

Garlic in combination with onions are enemies for helminths. The recipe includes:

  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/3 of a medium onion;
  • 150 ml. boiling water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1 l. warm water to dilute the mixture.

Grind the onion and garlic using a blender or meat grinder and mix. Add boiling water to the vegetable mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the solution and add lemon juice to it. Be sure to use only freshly squeezed juice, since the intestines may react negatively to pre-prepared liquid or citric acid.

Combine warm water and onion and garlic infusion in a saucepan. The technique of the enema procedure does not change. Duration: 7 days.

With wormwood

If you are diagnosed with pinworms, then to combat them, prepare an enema based on wormwood and garlic. To prepare a solution for worms, dried wormwood is used. So, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped wormwood;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 l. boiling water

Grind the garlic to a pulp, and add wormwood to it. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Infuse the resulting solution for half an hour, then cool and strain through cheesecloth. Carry out an enema according to the already known scheme. The duration of treatment is a week.

Infusion for oral administration

Traditional medicine advises treatment with garlic infusions, which are used internally. They can be prepared with the addition of honey, milk and water. Treatment with such infusions is quite effective.

It is also recommended to prepare a garlic lotion, which will require 50 ml. garlic juice and a cotton swab. The juice has a burning effect, so you can dilute it with boiled water. Soak a tampon in this solution and insert it into your child at night or for a couple of hours during the day. This remedy is used to get rid of worms.

Enema for a child

Parents often wonder how to give a garlic enema to a child. And if it’s not difficult to cope with older children, then with babies you need to follow some rules.


  • Special syringes for infants should be used.
  • Before a garlic enema, the intestines must be cleansed with just water.
  • For children, weaker solutions should be used.
  • The amount of fluid administered should be approximately 50 ml,
  • After administering the product to the baby, the baby’s buttocks must be squeezed and held so that the liquid does not spill out too quickly.
  • Before using such medications for therapy, you should consult your doctor so as not to harm the child.

For a child under seven years of age, the procedure is performed when he lies on his side, for older children - when he is on all fours. A garlic enema is usually given before bedtime so that the residual liquid acts in the intestines during the night. Read how to give an enema for children and adults on our portal.


The experience of treating worms with garlic has been used for quite a long time. What are the reviews from people who have used this method:

I was recently diagnosed with a worm infection. I was amazed because I thought it was a childhood disease. The doctor advised me to do a garlic enema. I absolutely did not like this method of treatment. First, before the anthelmintic enema, I was given an enema to cleanse my intestines. Secondly, I had a garlic “aroma” emanating from me for several days, and thirdly, I experienced an unbearable burning and itching in my anus. I decided to be treated with traditional methods.

Nikolay, 35 years old

My child is infected with parasites. I’m not a fan of pharmaceutical drugs and similar chemicals, so I decided to treat my baby in my grandmother’s favorite way - by inserting garlic into the butt. However, this method caused discomfort in my son. I was advised to use a garlic enema. I was a little scared, because garlic can cause burning and irritation of the intestines, as has already happened. However, it turned out that milk-based enema is absolutely painless. That’s right, within a week of our treatment we completely got rid of parasites without experiencing any discomfort.

Anna, 28 years old

Folk remedies in the fight against helminths have already shown their high effectiveness. Garlic enemas are popular with patients infected with worms. Before starting an enema course, you need to carefully study all possible contraindications, consult with your doctor and choose a prescription that is suitable for you. It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it, so do not neglect preventive measures.

Application for adults and children

The indication for the use of an enema in adults and children is infection with parasites, which are usually located in the small and large intestines. After preliminary tests have been carried out and the exact type of helminths has been established, the doctor prescribes the appropriate procedure.

To become more familiar with the process, you should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The advantage of an enema is:

  • an effective remedy for quickly getting rid of parasites at home;
  • the presence of garlic as the main ingredient ensures the safety and low cost of the enema;
  • An enema is not prohibited during pregnancy, but must first be agreed with the attending physician.

The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • has a number of contraindications;
  • an enema does not affect all types of parasites and therefore additional therapy is required;
  • The procedure requires frequent use.

Treatment of children

Is it possible to give children an enema with garlic? If the procedure is approved by a pediatrician and the little patient has reached 3 years of age, it is possible. In fact, this treatment option is optimal for those children who cannot swallow bitter medicines, and taking garlic or synthetic tablets causes a gag reflex. You should first explain to the child how the procedure will take place and why it is being done.

A special recipe for garlic broth for children: 5-6 whole cloves of garlic are poured into 2 glasses of cold water and put on fire. After boiling, the mixture simmers over low heat for 5 minutes. The broth is cooled to a temperature of 37-38 degrees and filtered. The enema should contain 50-100 ml of liquid.

After administering the solution, you should lie down as much as possible, so prepare books in advance that you read to your child so that he does not get bored. Therapeutic enemas with garlic can be administered for 2 weeks, then a break is taken for 2-4 weeks and the course of treatment is repeated.

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