25 cheap and effective remedies for heartburn

What is the best heartburn remedy to buy?

After familiarizing yourself with the presented nominees, the question should not arise about what to drink for heartburn. Depending on the causes of its occurrence, the characteristics of the body, and concomitant diseases, it is easy to choose one. Based on reviews, medical opinions, as well as a comparative analysis of the pros and cons, the following review results are summarized:

  • Safe herbal composition with complex action - Iberogast;
  • The best combination of price and quality is Vikair;
  • An effective remedy during pregnancy without risks to the fetus - Rennie;
  • Emergency help for heartburn - Gaviscon;
  • Delayed action drug – Gastracid;
  • Antiulcer drug without side effects - Pariet;
  • Prevention of chronic intestinal diseases – Ultop;
  • The people's choice is Omeprazole.

Severe heartburn is not a harmless manifestation of gastrointestinal problems. Systematic cases require consultation with a doctor and immediate use of medications. The 2021 expert rating demonstrated which ones are in the top in terms of demand and percentage of positive reviews.

Heartburn tablets for children

Any child can experience chest heat. Among the possible causes, gastroenterologists identify malnutrition in the child. Eliminate the following foods from your child's diet:

  • Spicy dishes.
  • Mayonnaise and sauces.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Packaged juices.

If, after an adjusted diet, a burning sensation in the chest and sour belching occurs, an examination should be carried out for adequate treatment. In the pharmacy for children you will find the following domestic heartburn tablets:

  • "Rutacid." Possible from the age of six. Previously, only a doctor could prescribe it.
  • "Passengers". Allowed from the age of five, taking into account the child’s weight.

But remember, any remedy for children is prescribed by a doctor and is selected individually.

Antisecretory drugs for heartburn

Recipes for medicines with honey for high stomach acidity
This group of drugs is used in cases where the use of antacids and more gentle means has not given the desired result. Antisecretory medications suppress excessive production of hydrochloric acid, relieve pain and normalize the digestion process. They are prescribed only by the attending physician, as they have many contraindications. They are considered individually for each patient.


A classic but effective representative of this group of drugs. Do not take in case of renal failure of any degree. The dosage of Gastal is 1-2 tablets up to six times a day. You should not take more than 8 tablets per day. Treatment is continued according to individual indications, but not more than two weeks.

"Gastal" is a classic remedy prescribed by doctors


It is often prescribed for heartburn caused by ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal disorders. The dosage of Omeprazole is 1-2 capsules in the morning before breakfast. Treatment, taking into account the presence of concomitant problems and the severity of the medical history, is continued for up to two months. Omeprazole has many analogues, which can be found in the table. But despite the same active ingredient, analogues can be replaced with each other only with the permission of a doctor.


Table. Analogues of "Omeprazole"

Analogue nameDaily dose
"Omez"20-40 mg daily for up to 8 weeks.
"Losek MAPS"20-40 mg daily for up to 8 weeks.
"Omitox"1-2 capsules in the morning for 2-4 weeks.
"Orthanol"10-20 mg in the morning for 2-4 weeks.
"Gastrozol"20-40 mg daily for up to 8 weeks.
"Ultop"20-40 mg daily for up to 8 weeks.


The drug belongs to the combined antiulcer drugs. Relieves several symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, including heartburn. The main active ingredient is rabeprazole. It is recommended to take the medication in the morning. If the drug is used only to suppress heartburn, it is enough to drink 20 mg, but if the patient’s condition is more complex, take 40 mg of rabeprazole at a time. Treatment, taking into account the medical history, can continue for up to two months.

The drug is used not only to eliminate heartburn, but also in general for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases


Never prescribed only in cases of heartburn. The drug is used in cases of complicated medical history, when it is necessary to relieve heartburn due to ulcers and other erosive-inflammatory processes. You need to take Ranitidine in a dosage of 150 mg twice a day or 300 mg at once. The full dose of the drug can be taken only before going to bed. The duration of the course and higher doses can only be determined by a doctor.

The drug is used only to suppress heartburn caused by serious gastrointestinal diseases

Antisecretory drugs: list, features

Drugs from this group reduce acid production. But these medications can only be used as prescribed by doctors. They are prescribed if neither diet nor avoidance of overeating reduces the severity and frequency of heartburn.

Drugs that reduce acid production have the following advantages:

  • last longer than antacids;
  • the effect lasts about 8 hours, so you can take the product once a day;
  • can be purchased without a prescription;
  • effective and relatively safe medications;
  • if you drink constantly, they help prevent repeated attacks of heartburn;
  • A suspension is produced that is convenient to use for a child.

Disadvantages of drugs from this group:

  • the effect does not occur as quickly as when taking antacids, the patient notes that the heartburn went away only after one hour;
  • have more serious side effects, in particular when they are used, depression , hepatitis , diarrhea , headaches , etc. are possible;
  • affect the effectiveness of other drugs used simultaneously;
  • Such drugs should not be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Proton pump blockers

Products containing omeprazole as an active component reduce the level of stimulated and basal acid, regardless of the irritant. This type of medicine includes Omeprazole , Omez , Ortanol , Omitox , Losek Maps , Ultop , Gastrozol .

Among these drugs there are very cheap heartburn pills. So, the cost of Omeprazole is from 60 rubles. per package. The price of Omez tablets is from 180 rubles. for 30 pcs.

Medicines containing rabeprozole are often more effective than medicines containing omeprazole. These are the drugs Noflux , Zulbex , Ontime , Khairabezol , Pariet , Bereta . The cost of the drug Beret in Moscow is about 400 rubles for 14 pieces. Hairabezol – from 500 rub. for 15 pcs. Ontime can be bought for 650 rubles. for 10 pcs., Pariet - from 1500 rub. for 10 pcs.

esomeprazole- based medications for 5 or more days, patients' heartburn attacks completely stop. Thus, the use of such drugs, the main one of which is esomeprazole, at a dose of 40 mg after a month, healing of reflux esophagitis was noted in 80% of people; after two months of treatment, esomeprazole caused the same effect in 93% of people. This group includes medications Emanera , Nexium . The price of Emanera is from 300 rubles. for 10 pieces, Nexium costs about 1300 rubles. for 14 pcs. In Ukraine, such medicines can be purchased at a price of 100 hryvnia.

Histamine H2 receptor blockers

This group includes a number of drugs that provide antiulcer effects and suppress acid secretion. Under their influence, gastric juice is secreted in a smaller volume. Drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice can be used only after a doctor’s prescription and strictly in the dosage that was prescribed.

The drug Ranitidine can cause pronounced side effects during administration - dry mouth, allergic manifestations, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. It should be noted that if the patient smokes a lot, the effectiveness of such drugs is reduced. Analogues of this product are Ranisan , Zantac , Gistak . How much Ranitidine tablets cost depends on the manufacturer. You can buy them at a price of 30 rubles.

Medicines that contain famotidine , when taken simultaneously with antacids with aluminum and magnesium, are less absorbed, so they cannot be used at the same time - you need to take a two-hour break between doses. Medicines that contain Famotidine are relatively inexpensive remedies for heartburn. Famotidine costs from 50 rubles. for 30 pcs., Kvamatel - from 150 rubles. for 28 pcs.

Medicines for heartburn and stomach pain

Review of the best ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids: indications for use and price in the pharmacy

Bloating, increased gas production, rumbling, stomach pain, heartburn, belching - these symptoms accompany many gastrointestinal diseases. The situation requires a thorough examination and a comprehensive course of therapy. The following medications can be used as first aid.

  • Almagel A. The antacid contains an anesthetic substance that allows you to quickly relieve pain and heaviness in the stomach. Additionally, it reduces acidity, protects the mucous membrane from irritation, and eliminates heartburn. The drug should be taken 4 times a day, 1 measuring spoon, for 7 days. If it is necessary to extend therapy, switch to regular Almagel without painkillers.
  • Gelusol-varnish. The antacid contains magnesium, aluminum, and silicon salts. Prescribed for severe painful symptoms and constant bloating. It has enveloping, analgesic, astringent, and restorative properties. The effect can be noticed within a few minutes.
  • Noflux. Antisecretory medicine, unlike antacids, does not neutralize hydrochloric acid, but reduces its production. The therapeutic effect occurs within a few days, but lasts a long time if the treatment was qualified. The effect lasts for 8 hours, so you can take the drug once a day.
  • Motilak, Motilium. Systemic drugs increase sphincter tone, prevent acid from entering the esophagus, protect the mucous membrane from adverse factors, have an antiemetic effect, and eliminate nausea.

Additionally, to normalize the intestinal microflora, take Linex, Laktiale, Bifidumbacterin, Laktovit, Hilak Forte.


To prevent a burning sensation behind the sternum, it is recommended:

  • exclude from the diet foods that provoke increased acidity and heartburn;
  • eat small portions up to 5-6 times a day;
  • do not overeat before bed and do not take a horizontal position immediately after eating;
  • eat a balanced diet to avoid nutritional deficiencies in the body;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • follow a diet;
  • do not abuse medications, especially without prescription by a doctor.

Advice! Increased acidity also occurs due to stress, a sedentary lifestyle, disrupted daily routine and nutrition. Elimination of all provoking factors is the best prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and burning sensation in the esophagus.

An increased concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, if left untreated, causes persistent heartburn and damage to the lining of the esophagus and larynx. In the initial stages of gastrointestinal diseases, you can review your diet, give up bad habits and use folk remedies. For more serious diagnosed problems, drug therapy is required, which is prescribed by a gastroenterologist after an examination.

General recommendations

How to get rid of heartburn?

In the case when a burning sensation appears in the esophagus, only a qualified specialist will be able to suggest which tablets can eliminate heartburn in a particular patient.

This safe effect of these drugs is due to the fact that instead of unsafe sodium bicarbonate, they contain substances such as bismuth, aluminum and magnesium. Due to them, modern drugs for heartburn (Gelusil Lac and Gastal) have a pronounced effect on the patient taking them.

Antisecretory drugs are considered the best medicines for such an unpleasant phenomenon as a feeling of pronounced burning behind the sternum. The following factors are considered their advantage:

  • they not only neutralize increased acidity at this particular moment, but help reduce its production;
  • compared to other drugs that have the same effect, they are safer;
  • When taken regularly, they can completely prevent the appearance of negative symptoms.


Antacids also have their advantages. The main ones are efficiency, quick action and accessibility. Although these drugs have significantly fewer advantages than antisecretory drugs, it is precisely because of them that patients who suffer from frequent heartburn buy them. But the disadvantages of antacids are the following:

  • the positive effect of taking them is quite short-lived;
  • in most cases multiple side effects occur;
  • These medications can only eliminate negative symptoms, and their effect does not extend to the causes that provoked them.

Finding an effective drug to relieve heartburn is not always easy. Most often, a patient with this problem has to try on himself a fairly large number of medications in order to choose the most suitable one.

Heartburn as a symptom of gastritis

Heartburn can act both as a harbinger of a disease and as a sign of a disease that already exists.

Sometimes it occurs with neuropsychiatric problems. But most often he talks about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • about hiatal hernias (when part of the stomach or intestinal loop is displaced into the chest cavity through the food opening of the lower esophagus);
  • about gastritis and ulcers of various localizations;
  • about pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis;
  • about reflux disease;
  • about oncological diseases of the digestive system.

Obesity is always accompanied by heartburn. When the excess weight is small and a person does not pay attention to the problem, a burning sensation in the esophagus can signal a problem with the body. It is heartburn that warns of the onset of the disease.

You can listen to yourself, evaluate your well-being in order to approximately understand the cause of heartburn. But then you definitely need to contact a good specialist!

For example:

  • When pain and burning intensify in a lying position, then there is a huge chance that the problem is in the esophagus.
  • If heartburn occurs about an hour after eating and is accompanied by sour belching, you most likely have gastritis or a stomach ulcer.
  • With duodenitis, the pain is constant and intensifies after eating, especially if there are errors in the diet. Then the pain decreases and becomes dull. With diseases of the duodenum, bloating is a must.
  • Cholecystitis, especially chronic, is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium and right upper abdomen. Especially after eating fatty foods or shaking.
  • With hiatal hernias, pain appears in a lying position or when bending over. It is localized in the stomach, sometimes radiating to the heart area and back. In a vertical position it goes away immediately.
  • If a burning sensation behind the sternum is accompanied by nightly “hungry” pain, pain in the hypochondrium, vomiting, pain, weight loss, you should immediately consult a doctor!
  • If heartburn occurs more than twice a week, consult a doctor immediately!

Homemade folk remedies for heartburn

Along with using medications prescribed by your doctor, you can use available remedies at home to help with heartburn during pregnancy. These are food products, decoctions of medicinal herbs, a review of the diet and moderate physical activity.


To relieve unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy, products that help with heartburn are used. These include oatmeal, milk and fermented milk drinks, soups and vegetable purees. The diet should be light and exclude heavy carbohydrates. Here is a sample list of daily foods that help improve digestion and prevent heartburn:

  • breakfast – semolina porridge, chicken egg, toast with a little butter, green tea;
  • second breakfast - yogurt or fermented baked milk with dry biscuits, low-fat cottage cheese flavored with sour cream;
  • lunch – vegetable soup, steamed fish with rice, salad from permitted vegetables, uzvar;
  • afternoon snack - baked apples, crackers or biscuits;
  • dinner - vegetable stew, steamed meatballs, dry bread or crackers;
  • at night - a glass of yogurt or low-fat kefir.

This menu will prevent heartburn and give your stomach a feeling of lightness. The digestive organs will not suffer from bloating and constriction, and as a result, the pregnant woman will get rid of discomfort. You should have dinner a few hours before going to bed.

If you have heartburn, you should follow a certain diet

Soda against heartburn during pregnancy - yes or no?

Previously, soda was considered the most common remedy for burning in the epigastrium, but doctors do not approve of its use during pregnancy. Excessive intake of sodium into the body provokes fluid accumulation in tissues and swelling, especially in the later stages. Also, after drinking soda, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, but after a while it begins to be produced with a vengeance. As a result, after a few hours, an exacerbation of heartburn is guaranteed.

Medicinal herbs

Traditional methods for treating heartburn in pregnant women include tea made from chamomile, lemon balm and mint. You can drink drinks during attacks of nausea, slow digestion and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. To control the release of hydrochloric acid, take decoctions of centaury, heather, St. John's wort, yarrow, and immortelle.

Herbal decoctions are drunk 1/3 cup twice a day for a course of 2-3 weeks. Fresh potato juice helps well; drink ¼ glass in the morning and evening. You can prepare a mixture of walnut and almond shells, grind them into powder and eat a dessert spoon twice a day.

Borjomi during pregnancy

The use of mineral medicinal water during pregnancy must be permitted by the attending physician.
Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of Borjomi, but if heartburn is accompanied by an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, drinking water is prohibited even in small quantities. With uncontrolled consumption, alkaline water provokes damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and will only worsen the situation. But healthy women will benefit from drinking Borjomi - water normalizes the activity of the pancreas, removes heaviness in the stomach after eating, and eliminates nausea and burning. Borjomi is also indicated for constipation, to which many pregnant women are prone.


Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be happy to provide feedback on tablets for flatulence in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.

Olga, 35 years old:

For many years I have been trying to adhere to the rules of a balanced diet. But still, sometimes I don’t eat according to the rules - sometimes I’ll eat a cake, sometimes I’ll eat some kind of holiday. But even with proper nutrition, I still could not get rid of the constant flatulence and churning in my stomach. The doctor advised periodically cleansing the body with Polysorb. The effect of the drug is good, relieves stomach problems and is inexpensive.

Irina, 41 years old:

I always take it with me when visiting and take it to all sorts of feasts. It helps me a lot, there is no feeling of heaviness in my stomach, no gurgling or flatulence. That's why I really like the drug. Phosphalugel also saves you from gases, but it’s not cheap. But the effect is worth it.

The best antisecretory remedies for heartburn

Antisecretory drugs are taken in cases where antacids do not work. The active ingredients in such medications are often omeprazole, pantoprazole or lansoprazole.

These drugs are intended for systematic course treatment, and they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

The right medicine will relieve heartburn for a long time, and at the same time help in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.

Astrazeneca AB "Losek Maps" - a Swedish drug with a bactericidal effect


★★★★★ editorial assessment

92% of buyers recommend this product

Losek Maps has a bactericidal effect and is prescribed for the treatment of heartburn and stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.

The product is available in the form of tablets of 14 and 28 pieces per package. The main active ingredient here is omeprazole. This component has a cumulative effect, so the first results usually appear only after 4 days of daily use.

At the same time, long-term treatment can provoke adverse reactions: itchy skin, diarrhea, thrush and muscle weakness.

With the correct dosage, Losek Maps can be prescribed to children, pregnant women and people with kidney failure. But for people with liver diseases, taking this drug is contraindicated.


  • Versatility - the drug treats several different gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Cumulative effect;
  • Suitable for children and pregnant women;
  • Has a bactericidal effect.


  • Presence of adverse reactions;
  • Quite a price - about 600 rubles.

Losek Maps is recommended for the treatment of ailments of the digestive tract at almost any age, if antacid medications do not have the required effect.

Dr. Reddy's "Razo" - against ulcers and heartburn


★★★★★ editorial assessment

88% of buyers recommend this product

The active ingredient of this drug is rabeprazole, which inhibits the synthesis of hydrochloric acid within an hour after entering the body.

Razo tablets are prescribed for chronic heartburn, acute gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as reflux disease. It is recommended to take the complex once a day before meals for at least 14 weeks.

Razo has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by adults and older people. However, its use is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and children under 12 years of age.


  • Effectively relieves heartburn;
  • Eliminates pain from peptic ulcers;
  • No side effects.


Incompatible with other drugs for the treatment of heartburn.

Razo should be taken as prescribed by a doctor for heartburn caused by ulcers and reflux esophagitis.

Micro Labs "Lantid" - treats heartburn and gastritis


★★★★★ editorial assessment

86% of buyers recommend this product

Micro Labs capsules for course use regulate the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach, relieving heartburn, gastritis and reflux esophagitis.

The main active ingredient of the formula is lansoprazole at a concentration of 30 mg. The drug is taken half an hour before meals; the doctor prescribes the dosage and duration of therapy individually.

The drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and is not recommended for patients with malignant tumors of the stomach.

Lancid is a serious antisecretory drug, the excessive use of which can lead to angina pectoris, pressure surges, headache, diarrhea and nausea.


  • Wide range of applications;
  • Prolonged effect;
  • Helps in the treatment of gastritis;
  • No relapses at the end of the course.


  • Extensive list of contraindications;
  • Adverse reactions are possible.

Lancid is prescribed for the treatment of heartburn as a symptom of gastritis and reflux esophagitis. But it can only be taken by people with a healthy cardiovascular system.

Gastrointestinal motility stimulants for heartburn

In addition to the fact that there are medications for heartburn and burning aimed at lowering acidity levels, there are also a number of medications that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. They are aimed at facilitating the absorption of food. They are called prokinetics.

What foods can you eat for heartburn and what can you not?

Note. Due to the fact that prokinetics are absorbed into the blood, they should be taken with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.

The medications in question can speed up the process of emptying, reduce vomiting and nausea, and relieve heartburn.

Medicines for heartburn

Popular medications for severe heartburn are not synonymous with being the best or effective.

The list of antacids with increased consumer demand is as follows:

  • Rennie – price from 194 rubles;
  • Gastal - cost from 113 rubles;
  • Gaviscon - costs about 114 rubles;
  • Almagel – price 227 rubles;
  • Maalox - cost 153 rubles;
  • Vikair – from 13 rubles.


Rennie is an antacid drug. The main components of the drug are magnesium and calcium carbonates. In appearance, they are white, square-shaped tablets with rounded edges.

The drug has a double effect. A chemical reaction occurs to neutralize hydrochloric acid. Magnesium provokes an increase in the secretion of mucus that envelops the gastric mucosa.

Indications for use:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • belching sour;
  • erosions and ulcers;
  • gastralgia;
  • heartburn of various etiologies;
  • treatment of stomach pain caused by taking drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Rennie - antacid

The effective dosage for adult patients and children over 12 years of age is 1–2 tablets per dose, but not more than 16 pieces. in a day.

A complete analogue of the drug is the Ukrainian-made medicine “Anre”.


Gastal is a combined antacid. The components of the drug are aluminum hydroxide, carbonate and magnesium oxide.

Indicated for use in the following cases:

  • from increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • ulcers and erosions of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis, including hyperacid;
  • toxic lesions;
  • hyperphosphatemia as part of complex therapy.

Gastal is a combined antacid.

The effective dosage is 1-2 tablets 4-6 times a day. Reception is carried out after meals. The tablets are not chewed.

The drug is prohibited for use in patients with pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.

There are no complete analogues of the drug.


Gaviscon is available in various dosage forms - tablets, suspension - and dosages. The main components are sodium alginate, sodium and calcium carbonates.

Sodium algin upon contact with hydrochloric acid turns into a pH neutral gel. Carbonates neutralize hydrochloric acid.

Indications for use are similar to drugs of this class. Effective dosages depend on age and dosage form of the drug.

Gaviscon in tablet form is indicated for children over 12 years of age and adults, 1–2 tablets 4 times a day. Suspension – 10–20 ml per 1 dose.

Gaviscon has several forms of release

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, phenylketonuria, and children under 12 years of age. Pregnancy is not a contraindication. Of the side effects, patients noted only increased gas formation.

There are no complete analogues of the Gaviscon antacid.


The main components of the antacid "Almagel" are algeldrat and magnesium hydroxide. This is a complex drug that reduces the activity of hydrochloric acid with an analgesic effect.

Indications for use:

  • gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • ulcer;
  • hiatal hernia in the diaphragm;
  • duodenitis;
  • epigastric pain;
  • dietary irregularities;
  • taking NSAIDs.

Almagel - an effective remedy for heartburn

Effective dosages:

  • adults – 1–3 scoops 3–4 times a day;
  • children from 10 to 15 years old – 1–1.5 measuring spoons 3–4 times a day;
  • children under 10 years old – 0.3–1 scoop 3 times a day.

Analogs of the drug are Alumag, produced in Poland, Maalox - Ukraine.


The drug is a complete analogue of Almagel. The indications and side effects are the same. In appearance it is a milky suspension.

Malox is an analogue of Almagel

Adult patients and children over 15 years of age take 1 sachet, but not more than 6 packets per day. Contraindications differ according to age - Maalox is prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.


Vikair does not belong to the class of antacids. But this inexpensive domestic drug is prescribed for diseases accompanied by heartburn.

Vikair is a complex medicine: it contains bismuth subcitrate, magnesium and calcium carbonates, buckthorn and calamus extracts. The drug is used for high acidity, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis of various etiologies.

Vikair - an affordable drug for heartburn

A single dose of the drug is 1–2 tablets, but not more than 6 pieces. in a day. Vikair should be taken 1 hour after meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Contraindications for the cheap Russian product include childhood, reduced concentrations of hydrochloric acid, kidney disease, inflammatory processes in the intestinal system, and appendicitis. The drug has a teratogenic effect on the fetus, so it is not used during pregnancy.

Antacid medications: medications that reduce acidity

Heartburn medications are divided into several different groups. Antacids are one of the most common among them and, moreover, they are safe for patients.

How to take antacids, what are they?

Antacids are preparations of magnesium and aluminum, because these substances can neutralize acid. The list of antacid drugs is diverse enough so that the patient can choose those antacid drugs that are most suitable.

Antacids for heartburn

It should be noted that using baking soda to reduce heartburn is strictly not recommended. Initially, soda, as a first aid for heartburn, really helps to cope with the attack, but later a significant amount of carbon dioxide is released, irritating the mucous membrane. As a result, the acid is released in even larger quantities. Therefore, you should not take soda for this purpose.

If the question is what to drink for heartburn, then it is better to stick to antacids. Under their influence, the process of acid neutralization occurs relatively slowly.

Patients should take into account when choosing antacid medications that this is a drug that can provoke the development of constipation (aluminum preparations) and diarrhea (magnesium preparations). Therefore, those who are considering a list of antacid drugs are recommended to choose aluminum and magnesium hydroxide. However, the selection of drugs is an individual process, so it must be done by a doctor. And even when taking aluminum and magnesium hydroxide, diarrhea and constipation are possible. Antacids for gastric ulcers should be taken according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist.

That is, antacid medications are the best remedy for heartburn if it occurs periodically and is not long-lasting. It is also advisable to use these drugs if other symptoms do not develop in parallel with the burning sensation - nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, poor appetite, etc.

You should ask a specialist about how to treat heartburn in the following cases:

  • heartburn occurs very often, and a person has never consulted a doctor with this symptom;
  • the patient suddenly loses weight;
  • weakness, fever, vomiting, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach are noted;
  • difficulty swallowing food, hiccups ;
  • constant or periodic heartburn for no reason, which cannot be removed by the most popular means.

Currently, exclusively non-absorbable antacids are used to treat heartburn. The following inexpensive heartburn pills are currently popular:

  • Maalox , Almagel , Almagel A (part of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide );
  • Phosphalugel (includes aluminum phosphate);
  • Taltsid , Rutacid (includes magnesium-aluminum bicarbonate);
  • Rennie (includes magnesium carbonate , calcium carbonate );
  • Gelusil Lac (includes compounds of aluminum, magnesium and silicon);
  • Vikalin , Vikair (includes bismuth subnitrate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate).

The list of heartburn medications includes a brief description of antacid medications. It should be noted that any medicine for heartburn and stomach pain should be selected by a specialist after the diagnosis has been established. Prices for heartburn tablets and a list of such medications can be found at any pharmacy. If necessary, you can find out a list of Russian analogues of heartburn medications, which are usually cheaper.

Magnesium Aluminum Hydroxide

These drugs reduce high acidity to its physiological level. In addition, they reduce the severity of dyspeptic symptoms caused by excess hydrochloric acid, which contains gastric juice. It is necessary to maintain an interval of at least two hours between taking these medications and other medications. The instructions for use indicate that antacids should not be given to children under six years of age. After reaching this age, children should take any medications in this category with caution.

Analogues containing the same active ingredient: Gastal , Almagel , Gastratcid , Maalox . The price of such drugs is from 60 to 350 rubles.

Aluminum phosphate

Phosphalugel gel is administered orally. Before use, it can be diluted in half a glass of water or used undiluted. It should be taken into account that while taking the gel, the patient may develop constipation. In this case, you need to increase your daily water consumption. Phosphalugel costs about 300 rubles.


Produced in the form of chewable tablets. People suffering from kidney failure and children under 6 years of age should not take such drugs. If you take the drug for several days in high doses, diarrhea .

The drugs Taltsid , Tisacid , Rutacid . The cost of these medications is from 150 rubles.

Magnesium and calcium carbonate

Rennie chewable tablets should not be used by children under 12 years of age. However, those who are interested in what helps with heartburn during pregnancy should know that Rennie in the recommended dosage is not contraindicated for expectant mothers.

It should be taken into account that the simultaneous use of antacids with tetracyclines, fluroquinolones, cardiac glycosides, etc. The absorption of these drugs is reduced.

The cost of Rennie's medicine is about 300 rubles. There are also cheaper drugs from domestic manufacturers, for example, Pechaevsky .

Calamus rhizomes, bismuth subnitrate, alder buckthorn bark, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate

Medicines with such components produce an antacid, mild laxative, astringent, and antispasmodic effect. These drugs should not be taken during pregnancy, renal failure, lactation, and should not be taken by children. Reviews indicate that during the treatment period, the patient's stool may become dark.

Vikalin and Vikair tablets is from 100 rubles.


Complex remedy - antacid with carminative components (licorice extract, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, simethicone). The drug relieves burning sensation, protects against heartburn and reduces flatulence .

Relzer should not be taken by children under 10 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. The drug can negatively affect the kidneys, cause vomiting, constipation, stomach cramps, osteoporosis , and allergies. The cost of the medicine is from 150 rubles.

Benefits of treating heartburn with antacids

The following benefits of using antacids for heartburn are noted:

  • the entire list is freely sold in pharmacies - no doctor’s prescriptions are required;
  • are not used as prophylaxis - such medications are taken only when a burning sensation occurs directly.

Disadvantages of Antacids

  • the effect of the drugs is short-lived - no more than two hours;
  • possible manifestation of negative effects - constipation, diarrhea;
  • the medicine does not help get rid of the causes of heartburn and does not prevent recurrent attacks;
  • can be taken during pregnancy only in rare cases; most drugs should not be given to children;
  • affect the effectiveness of other medications;
  • cannot be taken continuously, since frequent use is harmful and leads to disruption of mineral metabolism processes.

Which brand of heartburn remedy is better to choose?

The first indicator by which you can judge a heartburn medicine in absentia is the manufacturer, its reputation, and position in the world market. Therefore, before getting acquainted with the 13 nominees of the rating, it is worth learning more about the pharmaceutical companies that presented them. Experts in 2021 highlighted:

  • Ozon LLC (Ranitidine) is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Russia, with a competitive portfolio of generics within the country. We have been supplying high-quality, inexpensive dosage forms for more than 15 years in a row. The production volume is over 500 million packages annually.
  • JSC Akrikhin CFC (Omeprazole) is another Russian leader in the production and quality of medicines with affordable prices. In the domestic market it is one of the five local pharmaceutical manufacturers. Successful activity has been going on for over 80 years.
  • Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC (Vicair) is another leader in the Russian pharmaceutical market in the production of medicines. In addition, the company actively participates in the import substitution program, producing over 600 million packages annually.
  • Natur Produkt Pharma Sp. z oo (Gastratcid) is a Polish company supplying pharmaceutical products to the Russian market since 1994. The assortment includes over 30 product lines, most of them vitamins, mineral complexes, and dietary supplements.
  • Krka, dd (Rutacid) is an international pharmaceutical company that was founded in Slovenia in 1954. In an effort to expand the boundaries of production, factories were built in many European countries. Under this name, there are many inexpensive, high-quality generics on the market.
  • Balkanpharma-Troyana AD (Almagel) is a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company founded in 1999. Part of the Actavis Group corporation. The product portfolio includes a huge variety of medicines that repeatedly undergo clinical trials, manufactured in just over 40 items.
  • Sanofi S.p.A. (Maalox) is a French pharmaceutical company founded in 2004. It occupies a leading position in the world ranking in terms of quality and production volume. The company produces vaccines, products for the cardiovascular system and diabetes, general medicines, and veterinary products.
  • Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH (Iberogast) is a pharmaceutical company founded in Germany in 1951. It produces extracts from organs, parapharmaceuticals, gastrointestinal mucus products, etc. The basis for their creation is scientific fundamental and applied research.
  • Bushu Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Misato Factory/Silag AG (Pariet) is a group of pharmaceutical manufacturers in Japan and Switzerland that produces specialized drugs for the digestive system. Innovative developments are taken as the basis.
  • Pharmatis (Phosphalugel) is a pharmaceutical laboratory founded in France in 2001. Part of the multidisciplinary group Boehringer Ingelheim. Specializes in the production of contact liquids and ointments. It occupies a leading position in the European ranking for the production of gels.
  • Reckitt Benckiser (Gaviscon) is a British-Dutch company founded in 1823. Over more than two centuries of existence, it has expanded its range of activities, offering household and hygiene products, care products, medicines, etc. The portfolio includes 19 official brands, each occupying a leading position in its field.
  • OOO Krka-RUS (Ultop) is a plant founded in Russia in 2003 with the aim of producing solid forms of medicines. Over 600 million tablets and 120 million capsules are produced annually, each meeting international GMP standards.
  • Delpharm Gaillard (Rennie) is a French pharmaceutical company that recently began supplying high-quality, safe medicines to the Russian market. It has been operating since 1988, producing liquid and semi-solid medicines and generics.

The best antacids for heartburn

Antacids contain magnesium, aluminum and calcium, which neutralize hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice and trigger the removal of waste and toxins.

Such remedies ensure rapid digestion of stomach contents, are effective for irregular burning sensations and do not require frequent use.

In addition to normalizing the acid balance of gastric juice, antacid drugs are prescribed for the complex treatment of gastric ulcers and functional gastric dyspepsia.

Pharm Project "Novobismol" - an effective assistant for healthy digestion


★★★★★ editorial assessment

94% of buyers recommend this product

See review

An antacid drug with complex action is effective in the treatment of heartburn, gastritis, and ulcers. The product contains potassium derivatives and has an anti-acid, astringent and bactericidal effect. Once in the body, the medicine blocks the production of hydrochloric acid and coats the walls of the stomach.

The bactericidal activity of Novobismol against Helicobacter pylori reduces the risk of developing ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis and stomach cancer. Unlike most antacids, this remedy requires a course of use lasting from 4 to 8 weeks.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 4 years of age, during pregnancy, lactation and in case of renal failure.


  • Wide range of applications;
  • Bactericidal effect;
  • Can be prescribed from 4 years of age.


You need to take it in courses.

Novobismol tablets are recommended for adults and children suffering from heartburn caused by gastroenterological diseases of a bacterial nature.

Remedia "Antarate" - complex effect


★★★★★ editorial assessment

90% of buyers recommend this product

Chewable tablets with caramel flavor effectively eliminate the symptoms of heartburn and flatulence. The active components of the formula are magaldrate and simethicone. These substances improve intestinal motility and neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach without secondary hypersecretion of gastric juice.

The main substances of the drug envelop the walls of the stomach, accelerate the elimination of waste and toxins, and eliminate the feeling of heaviness and burning in the stomach.

The drug is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney failure and children under 12 years of age. Clinical studies of Antareit confirming its safety for pregnant women have also not been conducted, so we recommend that expectant mothers avoid taking it.


  • Quick effect;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Has no adverse reactions;
  • Eliminates discomfort in the stomach and intestines;
  • No withdrawal symptoms.


If taken regularly, it may cause constipation.

Indian tablets for heartburn Antareit are recommended for people without chronic gastrointestinal diseases - as an express remedy for periodic heartburn.

Bayer "Rennie Express" - first aid for heartburn


★★★★★ editorial assessment

89% of buyers recommend this product

See review

This remedy will help get rid of heartburn in just 5 minutes. This speed of action is due to the rapidly absorbed form of the drug - the dietary supplement in powder form does not require dissolution in water, and you don’t even need to write it down. The medicine has a pleasant sweet taste with a pronounced chill.

The active components of the formula include magnesium and calcium. The drug underwent clinical studies in groups of pregnant women, which confirmed the absence of a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

The manufacturer claims that Rennie can be taken up to 4 times a day for 2 weeks. But the benefits of such a course are questionable, since the remedy does not have a prolonged effect.


  • Almost instant effect;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Can be taken during pregnancy;
  • Eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and copes with flatulence.


The effect lasts no more than 2 hours.

Rennie Express is an ideal anti-heartburn drug for your travel first aid kit, which will relieve painful symptoms in a few minutes.

Medicines for heartburn during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience heaviness in their stomach. The third trimester is especially rich in such sensations. To relieve this condition, the following approved medications can be used during pregnancy:

  • Phosphalugel. Possible constipation.
  • Almagel. Can be used for up to three days.
  • Gastal - dissolving tablets.
  • Rennie.
  • Maalox.

Of the listed medications, give preference to Rennie . After all, it does not contain aluminum. Aluminum is toxic to the fetus.

If heat in the sternum appears at night, then you should take Gaviscon . It is created on the basis of sodium alginate. Protects the stomach. Prevents the development of peptic ulcers. Stops pathogenic flora.

But the complex composition can cause an allergic reaction. Check with your allergist.

Of the proton pump inhibitors, only the original omeprazole is allowed - Losec MAPS . But before use, you should consult your doctor.

Baking soda easily and quickly relieves pain - a cheap remedy for heartburn. But after the drug wears off, the burning sensation will appear again. Treating heartburn at home without consulting a doctor is risky for a pregnant woman. Soda can cause swelling.

Pregnant and lactating women will be helped by Polysorb for heartburn. It collects harmful substances from the body. Absolutely harmless. Not absorbed into the blood. Affects only the digestive organs.

Activated carbon is considered a reliable medicine for pregnant women. It is better to drink charcoal for heartburn for a short period of time. After all, “Activated carbon” can help and harm at the same time.


  • Not absorbed into the blood.
  • Not toxic to the fetus.
  • Excellent absorbent.


  • Removes useful substances.
  • Blocks symptoms for a short period of time.

Remember that charcoal for heartburn may reduce the effect of other medications. Therefore, they drink “Activated carbon” in consultation with the doctor.

Consequences of heartburn

Symptoms usually occur when gastric juices affect the lining of the esophagus - the result of stomach contents entering the esophagus. The cardiac sphincter of the esophagus in its normal state prevents gastric contents from entering it.

However, if the lower sphincter does not function correctly, which happens when the duodenum, esophagus or stomach is disrupted, all the prerequisites appear for the unhindered reflux of acid. This process leads to dehydration of the body, which is accompanied by weight loss and blood loss.

Acid also causes inflammatory processes, as a result of which erosions and ulcers form on the walls. As a result of these pathological processes, in some severe cases, even ruptures of the walls of the esophagus may occur, which poses a threat not only to human health, but also to his life.

Such ulcers then scar and, accordingly, the esophagus narrows. In this case, you may feel an impassable lump in the throat, which creates difficulty swallowing food. This condition, in addition to significant discomfort, can become an indication for complex surgery and significantly increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer.

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