What disease is black vomit a harbinger of?

In most cases, the appearance of black vomiting is preceded by an overdose of drugs, which include substances that color the food mass in the stomach in the corresponding color (a similar phenomenon is often observed with uncontrolled intake of activated carbon). As a rule, after stopping the drug that caused black vomiting, nausea stops and the state of the digestive system stabilizes without intervention from a doctor.

It should be noted that the occurrence of black vomiting is not always associated with the use of medications. Intestinal obstruction, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, hemorrhoids, cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation or trauma of the abdominal organs, cholelithiasis, cancer can provoke vomiting with a characteristic dark shade of secreted masses. Only a specialist can determine the exact reason why vomit is stained black, so if black vomit occurs, it is recommended to visit your doctor and undergo a full examination of the body or call emergency help.

The meaning of vomit of different colors

Vomiting is a reflex act and a human defense mechanism. The eruption of gastric contents occurs due to stimulation of the vomiting center, which is located in the posterior part of the brain. Dark-colored vomit sometimes occurs after consuming coloring foods:

  • chocolate;
  • beets in any form;
  • dark colored berries;
  • carbonated drinks with dyes.

The cause may be the intake of activated carbon, as well as medications containing iron. In these cases, vomiting occurs once and does not worsen the person’s condition.

Vomiting blood of a bright red color indicates its origin from the lower respiratory tract. Then blood appears simultaneously in the sputum. A severe cough to the point of vomiting can lead to rupture of blood vessels in the inflamed throat. In this case, a small amount of blood is released immediately after the attack.

With toxicosis, strong vomiting in pregnant women can disrupt the capillaries of the esophagus. The released blood mixes with the vomit.

Treatment for brown vomit

Having learned the cause of dark vomiting, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment - drug therapy or surgery. Conservative treatment is required for milder gastric dysfunctions, and to restore the functionality of the intestine when it is blocked, surgical intervention will be required.

To relieve vomiting attacks, a course of symptomatic therapy with drugs is carried out:

  1. "Cerucal"
      One tablet is taken before meals 3 times a day, or intramuscular injections are given;
  2. "Metoclopramide"
      According to the same scheme.

In severe conditions, the patient additionally:

  • connect an oxygen cushion;
  • give a blood transfusion;
  • Prescribe drugs that normalize cardiac functions: “Mixiletin”;
  • "Quinidine";
  • "Etacizina."

After alcohol poisoning

In case of severe alcohol intoxication with repeated vomiting, a gastric lavage procedure is performed:

  1. The patient is "filled" with water to fill the stomach and provoke a gag reflex.
  2. Lay on the side, preventing vomit from entering the respiratory system.
  3. After clearing the gastric cavity of food debris and alcohol, sorbents are prescribed:
  4. "Atoxyla";
  5. "Polysorba".
  6. After an hour, antiemetic drugs are administered:
  7. "Zofran";
  8. "Raglan".
  9. To prevent the risk of dehydration, the patient is given a drip with Ringer's solution.

For cancer

For vomiting syndrome from cancer, doctors recommend the following:

  1. For gastric obstruction and after chemotherapy treatments:
  2. "Emeseta";
  3. "Ondansetron".
  4. When a tumor disintegrates and releases large amounts of toxic substances:
  5. "Smecty";
  6. activated carbon.
  7. With the development of tumor metastases:
      glucocorticoid hormone "Dexamethasone";
  8. neuroleptics Olanzapine and Risperidone.
  9. "Quetiapine" for the development of tumor metastases;
  10. "Haloperidol" for hypercalcemia.

Vomiting liquid after eating, why did you vomit liquid after eating?

Vomiting liquid after eating can occur both during meals and some time after eating. Vomiting while eating is considered early and can be caused by gastritis or ulcerative formations in the stomach, and the coarser and heavier the food, the stronger the indigestion will be. It should be noted that with neurosis, the severity of food will not cause vomiting, but, on the contrary, stimulate digestion. If nausea and vomiting occur a certain time after eating, then they are considered late. In this case, the occurrence of gag reflexes intensifies if a person bends over or lies down on the bed. There are also frequent cases when late vomiting is accompanied by pain in the chest area.

Black vomit after drinking alcohol: a common occurrence?

Black vomit is less likely to occur in people who don't drink

Not to say that black vomit occurs so often in people who sometimes allow themselves to drink a little (although this does happen). Most often, the pathology manifests itself in people who suffer from alcoholism or at least regularly drink alcoholic beverages. Be that as it may, the most common cause of internal bleeding in the stomach is precisely the excessive intake of alcoholic beverages.

Indeed, according to statistics provided by major hospital institutions, vomiting coffee grounds is rarely observed in people who have completely given up alcohol. If this does happen, and you do not drink alcohol on a regular basis, then the problem should be looked for in pathologies of the stomach of an ulcerative nature.

Causes of black vomit

Vomiting “coffee grounds” is a sign of bleeding from the digestive organs. When blood accumulates in the stomach, hemoglobin is oxidized. The contents become dark brown.

The release of fresh or digested blood during vomiting always requires consultation with a doctor.

This symptom is caused by various diseases; in addition, it can be provoked by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol poisoning

A person experiences brown vomiting after regular drinking. Alcohol causes alcohol poisoning, which in the first stage of alcoholism is accompanied by Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Signs of the disease:

  • vomiting with blackness;
  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • fever.

In Mallory-Weiss syndrome, ethanol damages the gastric mucosa and the small blood vessels located in it. Under the influence of vomiting, the pressure in the stomach increases. This provokes the occurrence of tears and cracks in the mucous membrane, from which blood oozes. Its accumulation is the cause of vomiting with brown streaks. Subsequently, scars form at the site of the tears, requiring surgery.

The cause of black vomiting is regular binges in alcoholics. Alcohol abuse provokes the development of diseases of the digestive system:

  • Gastric ulcer is observed. Bleeding from an ulcer or its perforation is a serious complication that requires emergency care.
  • Alcohol intake is also a trigger for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity. Bleeding erosions cause black vomiting.
  • A rupture of the lining of the esophagus is the cause of brown vomit after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or drugs.
  • Almost all drinkers suffer from alcoholic hepatitis. Their liver is enlarged due to impaired bile flow. After another dose of ethanol, a person vomits black contents.

Doctors prohibit patients with chronic stomach diseases from drinking alcohol in any quantity. However, few drinkers take the warning seriously. Most of them continue to drink until black vomit appears after drinking, which is life-threatening. This is a sign of bleeding from a stomach ulcer or a tear in its inner lining.


Black or dark brown vomit can also occur in a person who drinks little. There are many diseases of the digestive system that occur with this symptom.

Stomach cancer

A person who is vomiting black liquid should not forget about oncology. The vomit takes on the appearance of coffee grounds. Specific signs of stomach cancer:

  1. At a later stage, bursting pain appears in the epigastrium.
  2. Strong weight loss.
  3. Fetid belching.
  4. When the tumor spreads to the esophagus, difficulty swallowing is noted.

When stomach cancer is complicated by bleeding from the tumor, weakness, vomiting blood, tarry stools, and dizziness appear.

Cirrhosis of the liver

This irreversible disease develops in people after systematic alcohol consumption for 5 or more years. Only identified cirrhosis and approaching death makes the alcoholic think that it is time to quit the addiction.

The disease is characterized by the replacement of liver cells with scar tissue, which is unable to cleanse the body of toxins. Changes in the liver are accompanied by an increase in the load on the veins. This leads to esophageal varicose veins. Any solid food, injuring the vessel, can cause profuse bloody vomiting with clots.


The pancreas produces enzymes that digest food. The organ also produces the hormone insulin. Frequent consumption of alcohol causes an irreparable blow to the gland, disrupting its secretory function.

By the way! According to statistics from narcologists, chronic pancreatitis develops in 80% of drinkers.

If you vomit black liquid, the cause may indicate acute inflammation of the gland. The next dose of alcohol provokes vomiting of blood.

Vomiting in children

Brown vomiting in a child indicates a serious pathology:

  • Damage to the stomach or esophagus by a foreign body.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Stomach ulcer (vomit contains brown specks).
  • Vomiting scarlet blood in children is sometimes a sign of a viral respiratory tract infection. Its cause in acute respiratory viral infections and intestinal flu is nosebleeds. Discharge from the nasopharynx is swallowed, and then vomiting occurs. Rotavirus infection occurs with fever up to 38.0 °C and diarrhea.

If vomiting blood appears in the morning after breakfast, this indicates a congenital pathology of the organs, varicose veins of the esophagus or stomach.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of blood from the stomach, the child must be taken to the surgical department.

Causes of black vomit and possible pathologies

Black vomiting is pathological or physiological in nature. Vomit turns brown or black if a person has food poisoning and has recently eaten dark foods. These products include:

  • dark colored berries;
  • chocolate products;
  • products that contain dark food coloring;
  • dark colored drinks.

The reason why black vomiting occurs may be excessive consumption of activated carbon or other medications that contain iron. After consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or drug overdose, a person experiences vomiting that is dark in color. The condition is complemented by nausea and pain in the stomach. Vomit turns brown when the mucous wall of the stomach or intestines is injured. An eaten fish bone, cancer shell, fruit and berry seeds, or glass from cracked dishes can damage the integrity of the digestive organs.

If brown vomiting in a person is pathological, the causes may be:

  • Stomach ulcer in the acute stage. It is expressed in disruption of the mucous membranes of the stomach. The blackness in the erupted masses is explained by the combination of blood with hydrochloric acid.
  • Duodenal ulcer. The intestinal mucosa is affected by deep defects, as a result of which the blood is oxidized under the influence of hydrochloric acid and stains the vomit.
  • Malignant tumors located in the stomach. The tumor can be located on a large vessel, gradually destroying it as its size increases.
  • Gastritis in the process of inflammation. Erosive lesions bleed, causing the vomit to become dark in color and contain blood clots.
  • Open bleeding in the stomach or intestines. Liver cirrhosis in the last stage is caused by increased pressure, which leads to stretching and dilation of the veins located in the esophagus. The vascular wall cannot cope with high pressure and ruptures. As a result, an adult ejects liquid colored black or brown.
  • Rupture of the esophageal mucosa. Occurs with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs. The vomit turns brown or dark red. May contain mucus inclusions.


You will have to not only forget about alcohol, but also completely reconsider your diet. At first, it is better for the patient not to eat. The most important thing now is to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. It is useful to drink teas based on calendula, rosehip or chamomile. They have a calming effect, relieve inflammation and help you recover faster from illness.

Usually, significant relief occurs within 2-3 days. This is only if the patient observed bed rest and followed all the doctors’ orders. Properly selected food will help replenish the supply of nutrients and will not irritate the esophagus and stomach. During this period, it is important not to overload the liver and pancreas. All fried and fatty foods are completely excluded. You should also not eat marinades, preserves, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as red meat. Food should be soft, pureed, and at a comfortable temperature.

Green Vomiting in an Adult: What is the Cause

  • 1 Get rid of vomiting using folk remedies
  • 2 Treatment for vomiting

Use alternative medicine with the approval of your doctor, otherwise you will aggravate the situation.

Folk remedies:

  • It is recommended to chew green tea until bitterness appears;
  • Brew dill seeds, leave for at least 20 minutes, at the rate of: 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of seeds;
  • drink an infusion of mint leaves, dry parsley branches;
  • Grind the peels of tangerine, orange, lemon, pour vodka (1 glass). Take 30 drops 2 times before meals, on an empty stomach.

Traditional medicine comes to the rescue and helps strengthen the immune system. Treatment is prescribed by a medical professional.

If the cause of dark vomiting is a disease of the digestive organs, the patient is prescribed:

  1. Cerucal. The dosage ranges from 1 to 3 tablets or ampoules per day. Depends on the severity of the disease.
  2. Metoclopramide. Taking two tablets no more than four times a day or intramuscular injection of 20 mg no more than three times a day.

If black vomiting is caused by ethanol poisoning, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Atoxil, Sorbex, Polysorb, which are necessary to rid the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. They can stop not only vomiting, but also relieve loose stools.
  • To stop vomiting and retching, raglan, cerucal or motilium are prescribed.
  • Intravenous administration of Ringer's solution helps to avoid dehydration.

If black vomiting in an elderly person is caused by cancer, the doctor will prescribe the following medications:

  • Polysorb, coal, sorbex. Indicated for intoxication of the body due to the disintegration of a malignant formation.
  • Treatment with Ondansetron, Metoclopramide and Granisetron is necessary if gastric obstruction occurs or after chemotherapy.
  • The administration of Olanzaline, Dexamethasone, and Quetialin is necessary when metastases appear.
  • If the level of calcium in the body is elevated, treatment with Haloperidol is indicated.

Treatment for vomiting

Vomiting symptoms do not last long - there is no need to use medications. Provide rest to the patient and monitor his condition.

Pregnant women experiencing toxicosis are subject to vomiting reactions. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink water with lemon, green tea, and eat crackers in the morning.

Well-proven remedies stop gagging: Reglan, Motilium, Aminazine.

An adult can tolerate intoxication more easily if action is taken immediately. Keep under control for signs of nausea and bitter saliva. This means that measures need to be taken in a timely manner.

Medical practice characterizes the extent of the disease by analyzing a person's stool. The excrement turns into different colors due to the consumption of foods rich in pigments. Bright orange-colored feces appear when eating pumpkin. If the vegetable was stale, then with diarrhea there will be feces with an orange pigment.

Stale tomatoes and beets provoke the appearance of purple and pink mucus. Gastric lavage and taking absorbents will help you recover.

What are the complications:

  • Convulsions occur. A lot of fluid is lost, useful elements are removed, and the balance of the human body is disrupted.
  • Vomit enters the respiratory tract along with sputum, which leads to pneumonia.
  • Exhaustion of the body occurs when the victim does not eat due to poor health and constant nausea.
  • The walls of the stomach and esophagus are damaged.
  • Stomach acid entering the mouth can cause thinning of tooth enamel.

If a person experiences black vomit, diagnostics and tests will tell you what it is and what disease it entails. After transporting the patient to the hospital, endoscopy of the digestive organs is performed. As a result of the study, the site of bleeding is determined. As an additional examination, the doctor may prescribe:

  • undergoing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • x-ray of the peritoneal organs;
  • chest x-ray;
  • donating blood for general analysis.

The examination result will indicate the disease, which will help to undertake effective treatment and avoid complications. Based on where the bleeding occurs, therapy depends.

The main goal of treatment is to stop bleeding. For this purpose, medications that stimulate blood clotting or surgery are used.

A vasoconstrictor drug is prescribed in combination with hemostatic agents.

For the surgical method of stopping bleeding, it is necessary to determine the source of bleeding. These methods include:

  • ligation of damaged vessels;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • clipping;
  • thermocoagulation;
  • laparotomy intervention.

To replace blood loss, the patient is prescribed infusion therapy. Based on the severity of the lost blood, a solution is selected that can replenish the blood volume. If blood loss is minor, Ringer's saline or saline is used. For moderate cases, an infusion of Gelatinol, Reopoliglucin or Refortan is indicated.

They can not only replenish blood loss, but also enhance oxygen transport. If the degree is severe, these drugs are used in combination with blood transfusion. The introduction is carried out by jet method. In extremely severe cases, the drug is infused into two veins. This reduces the risk of cardiac arrest.

Source: https://o-ponose.net.ru/rvota-oranzhevogo-tsveta/

Symptoms of black vomit

Each of these diseases is characterized by specific symptoms. But there are general signs of diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by the development of bleeding in one or another part of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • black vomit;
  • belching food or air;
  • severe pain in the epigastrium on an empty stomach (sometimes of a pinpoint nature);
  • frequent heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating.

With all these diseases, hypovitaminosis develops and working capacity decreases. Some people are assigned a disability group.

Vomiting in an elderly person: what to do

Good afternoon.
Please tell me what reasons can cause vomiting in an elderly person? Galina Staritskaya, Perm.

Good afternoon, Galina!

The main cause of vomiting in old age may be acute pancreatitis. This is one of the serious and even dangerous diseases that affects people aged 60 to 70 years. The majority of women suffer from this disease. Acute pancreatitis occurs due to aging of the pancreas. There are many reasons why an elderly person may feel sick.

First of all, these are age-related failures of all functions of internal organs.

Pathologies of the nervous and digestive systems. Violation of the vestibular system or inner ear. Cardiovascular disorders.

Disturbances of the endocrine system.

Another disease common to older people is vertigo - imbalance. It seems to a person that his body is spinning, and nausea and bouts of vomiting are added to all this. In some older people, visual and hearing impairments are added to these symptoms.

This is a very serious illness, during which an elderly person can lose consciousness and be seriously injured. The cause of this disease is poor circulation in the brain and atherosclerosis of blood vessels. These symptoms cause frequent, unbearable headaches and the phenomenon when the ground disappears from under your feet. If you experience the slightest symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor!

My mother (89 years old) had nausea due to an obstruction in the small intestine; unfortunately, this became clear when she had a hernia and ended up on the operating table, where she suffered a stroke.

Vomiting is a spontaneous, reflex emptying of the stomach or duodenum. This act takes place under the control of the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata. The causes of nausea and vomiting are varied, from minor ailments to serious illnesses. As well as their manifestations - the composition, color of the vomit. You need to know all this when an elderly person with a weak stomach lives in the house.

Why do older people feel sick?

The appearance of nausea is associated with both external and internal factors. That is, the causes that cause it relate to physiology or pathology.


Of the most significant prerequisites for vomiting syndrome:

  1. Infestation with parasites.
  2. With helminthic infestation, one of the common symptoms is the urge to empty the stomach. They may experience abdominal pain, weakness, apathy, fatigue, lack of appetite or increased appetite.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Abuse of heavy, fatty foods, smoked foods, sweets or salty foods. An unbalanced diet can lead to unpleasant symptoms and the development of digestive diseases.
  5. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  6. Large amounts of alcohol or cigarettes often lead to dizziness and headaches.
  7. Psychological problems.
  8. Unpleasant symptoms are associated with strong emotional experiences, physical or nervous fatigue, stress and prolonged depression.
  9. Hormonal changes.
  10. In older women, the cause of nausea, leading to vomiting, may be hidden in the hormonal changes in the body, which are associated with the menopause.
  11. Eating disorders.
  12. Snacking on the run, hasty eating, overeating, and constant eating disorders also lead to the appearance of symptoms such as heartburn, belching, and flatulence.
  13. Strong headache.
  14. Causes disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
  15. Seasickness.
  16. Motion sickness when traveling by transport: car, ship, plane, train. This condition is called “seasickness” and is associated with an imbalance of the vestibular system.
  17. Age-related changes.
  18. They can also lead to disruption of the digestive, vestibular, nervous systems, with dizziness and other unpleasant phenomena.


Sometimes nausea and vomiting due to certain diseases. Among the pathologies that manifest themselves in this way are common in older people:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Typical symptoms of such diseases are: belching, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal discomfort, stomach pain, indigestion, and possible fever. Among the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the most common are: gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, reflux.
  3. Hepatitis.
  4. This is inflammation of the liver tissue. It manifests itself as darkening of urine, the patient’s skin becomes lighter, acquiring a yellowish tint.
  5. Injuries.
  6. After an elderly person falls or in other cases associated with injuries, he may feel nausea and weakness, pain in the temples, and dizziness.
  7. Brain pathologies.
  8. Tumors, increased intracranial pressure and other diseases.
  9. Hypertension or hypotension.
  10. Changes in blood pressure characteristic of the elderly with unpleasant symptoms: pressing headache, weakness, nausea leading to vomiting, fatigue.
  11. Damage to cerebral vessels.
  12. Such conditions are very dangerous for the lives of people in the older age group. Requires urgent medical attention.
  13. Meningitis.
  14. An inflammatory process that affects the meninges. It manifests itself as severe headaches with fever, chest pain, back pain, and chills. Nausea and vomiting without bringing relief.
  15. Kidney inflammation.
  16. One of the possible manifestations of this disease is nausea with a desire to vomit.
  17. Poisoning.
  18. Poor quality food, alcohol, medications or other substances (mercury, carbon monoxide) taken by elderly patients.
  19. Intestinal infections.
  20. Typical symptoms of all intestinal infections: nausea, fever, pain in the side, vomiting, diarrhea.
  21. Taking medications.
  22. Nausea may also occur after taking certain medications. Often this reaction is caused by hormonal and anti-tuberculosis drugs, iron supplements.

Source: https://za-dolgoletie.ru/info/rvota-u-pozhilogo-cheloveka-chto-delat/

Associated symptoms

Black vomiting due to cancer or liver disease is accompanied by significant inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. In this case, the nausea is short-lived. However, the patient must be urgently taken to the nearest medical facility.

Associated symptoms depend on the underlying diagnosis. Typically patients have:

  • painful sensations in the digestive organ;
  • surges in blood pressure and pulse;
  • hypotensive crisis;
  • pre-fainting state and short-term loss of it;
  • fever;
  • dark fecal matter.

The listed symptoms are the main ones and are present in every patient who vomits black. In addition, in particularly severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

An increase in temperature may be one of the accompanying symptoms

It is important that the patient is able to distinguish vomiting, which is present with malignant neoplasms in the body. This condition poses the greatest danger. In this case, the vomit contains blood clots.

In some cases, a patient with black vomit may experience changes in body temperature. From time to time he gets cold or gets hot. There is severe dizziness. Insomnia and weakness are possible.

The patient should find out as soon as possible why he is vomiting black. Otherwise, the intensity of symptoms will rapidly increase. If there is a violation, there is pain in the digestive organ. Localization depends on the underlying diagnosis. If it is disrupted, the patient's appetite decreases. The sick person refuses to eat. Against this background, a rapid decrease in body weight is possible.

The video shows more information about the causes of vomiting:

Dangerous consequences

It is difficult to predict the consequences of gastric bleeding, especially with little blood loss. Mild but prolonged blood loss usually causes chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. A timely diagnosis with indicated treatment increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

Acute, heavy bleeding is fraught with the development of hemorrhagic shock. A sharp decrease in the volume of circulating blood flow provokes oxygen “starvation” and the development of acute hypoxia. This complication is critically dangerous and requires immediate assistance.

But that's not all. Excessive blood loss provokes the rapid development of renal failure. A terrible complication is caused by a sharp decrease in upper blood pressure to a level in which the function of the renal organs is impaired. They stop working normally. Young children and older people are most at risk.

First aid for black vomit

At the first sign of bleeding, immediately call an ambulance.

While doctors are on the road, take first aid measures:

  1. Do not hold back or force vomiting.
  2. Place the patient on the sofa; Place a cushion under his head, turned to one side.
  3. Elevate the patient's legs above heart level to promote blood flow to the brain.
  4. Give him only cold water or pieces of ice.
  5. Place the cold on your stomach.

Collect vomit to show to your doctor. This will help determine the location of the bleeding.

Therapy for blood loss

If the color is brown, it is blood. Then, after diagnosing and fixing the source of bleeding, they begin therapy to stop and replace blood loss.

Bleeding is controlled with conservative drug therapy or surgical intervention. During drug treatment, hemostatic drugs are prescribed, for example aminocaproic acid, and agents that improve blood clotting. Then they move on to vasoconstrictor medications, for example, Dopamine.

An operation to stop bleeding is indicated in cases where the cause and source of development of the pathology are precisely established. It is usually performed using an endoscope. Thermal methods are used in the form of thermocoagulation and electrocoagulation methods, or mechanical methods - ligation, clipping of vascular lesions. If the endoscopic method is insufficiently effective, laparotomy surgery is performed. After stopping the bleeding, a planned intervention is prescribed, usually by emergency surgery.

To replenish blood loss, infusion therapy is used. Compensation solutions are selected depending on the amount of blood lost:

  1. With light currents and small losses:
      salt-based solutions such as Acesoli or a simple isotonic solution (saline);
  2. For average blood loss:
      saline solutions alternate with colloidal ones - “Gelatinol”, “Reopoliglyukin”, “Refortan”.
  3. With heavy blood loss:
      jet blood transfusions are prescribed. In particularly severe situations, IVs are placed in two veins at the same time, preventing possible cardiac failure.

Medical rationale for the process

Vomiting coffee grounds is almost asymptomatic. The patient's condition worsens suddenly and is accompanied by lethargy and dizziness. Blood pressure decreases due to increased heart rate. A person may lose blood during bowel movements, in addition to passing red blood cells through vomiting. Bloody stool has a thick, blackish consistency. The brighter the blood clots, the closer the damaged organ. Such discharge may indicate diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Heavy blood loss often provokes posthemorrhagic anemia. The consequences are acute vascular failure. Symptoms: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting.

What will alleviate the patient's condition?

When a person vomits coffee, the body is in serious danger. The first step is to call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, the patient needs first aid. Washing is prohibited.

How to help someone suffering from dark, sometimes black, vomiting:

  1. Provide the sick person with a horizontal position.
  2. Place the patient on his side. Raise your legs above head level.
  3. Eliminate psychological and physiological discomfort.
  4. Apply cold compresses to the epigastric area.
  5. Ventilate the room.
  6. Protect from food, liquids and medications. The stomach needs rest.
  7. Calm down a person frightened by his condition.

It is important to collect the vomit with bloody flakes in a sterile container. Close the lid tightly and write when and at what time the biomaterial was collected. The patient's personal information is required. Thus, the laboratory will determine the cause of vomiting.

Diagnosis in hospital

Urgent hospitalization in a medical facility will help to quickly determine the diagnosis. The phenomenon when a person vomits chocolate-colored thickets signals serious gastrointestinal diseases. The cause of the pathological condition in an elderly or young patient will be determined in the laboratory at the hospital. The doctor will prescribe an endoscopy of the stomach under painkillers. The insertion of a thin tube with a video camera may indicate changes in the mucosa and disturbances in the functioning of the esophagus.

The second procedure for examining the gastrointestinal tract in humans is endoluminal sonography. Examination of the rectum using ultrasound by inserting a camera at the end of the tube through the anus.

Blood is taken from the patient to determine liver damage. Examination of stool helps identify hidden blood discharge. A barium examination is performed so that the X-ray image excludes or shows the presence of tumors in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor prescribes treatment, determines the regimen of restorative procedures and nutrition after identifying the true cause of granular black vomiting.

Treatment for vomiting bile

If the disorder is permanent, you should consult a doctor. The gastroenterologist will select a course of therapy based on the examination results. To determine the root cause of the disease, tests of biological materials and hormone testing may be prescribed. If gastritis is suspected, gastroscopy is performed.

Violating doctor's orders is prohibited. This will only lead to worsening of the condition and relapse. During therapy, there are general rules: follow a diet, stop drinking alcohol, eat regularly and in standard portions. Also, many doctors recommend high-quality enzymes of organic origin, for example Papaya Enzyme

Drug therapy

Medicines are prescribed after identifying the cause of vomiting. Simple enterosorbents are often recommended. They allow you to cope with intoxication during poisoning and after drinking alcohol - for example, Atoxil and Stimol.

If an attack of vomiting is caused by a stressful condition, you need to take tranquilizers based on benzodiazepines. Betahistine and Lorazepam relieve stomach cramps and quickly soothe.

If an intestinal infection is detected, antibiotics cannot be avoided. Sumamed and Azithromycin in the form of powder, gel or tablets for oral administration are prescribed for 3-10 days until the symptoms of the disease are completely relieved.


Tinctures and decoctions are allowed only during the recovery period, when it is necessary to replenish the volume of fluid in the body, as well as calm the nervous system and mucous membrane.

After stopping vomiting, if there are no contraindications, it is recommended to drink a glass of ginger tea, water with 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda, liquid with a few drops of lemon.

The solutions act as absorbents, eliminate the unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth and stimulate the restoration of water-salt balance. You cannot resort to these methods in the acute stage of gastritis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment for black vomit

Therapeutic measures are associated with one of the following diseases:

  • In case of heavy bleeding caused by cirrhosis of the liver or peptic ulcer, drug treatment or surgery is carried out only in the surgical department. During fibrogastroscopy, it is possible to stop bleeding using thermocoagulation. If the fluid loss is not fatal, conservative treatment is carried out.
  • Therapy for peptic ulcer disease is carried out according to several schemes, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. Proton pump inhibitors are used; antibiotics; products containing bismuth.

If black vomiting in an elderly person is associated with cancer, complex drug treatment is used:

  • Emetron, Ondansetron and other drugs that block the vomiting center of the brain;
  • Quetiapine, Olanzapine (neuroleptics with antiemetic effect);
  • Dexamethasone;
  • in case of intoxication, Polysorb, Sorbex and other sorbents are used.

In case of bleeding, a gentle diet is prescribed. Fatty, spicy and hot foods are prohibited. Small meals are recommended (5–6 times a day). Preferred are puree soups, liquid porridges, boiled or steamed vegetables.

Characteristics of vomiting

Vomiting coffee grounds does not occur on its own. Usually its formation is preceded by a pathological deterioration in the patient's condition.

Depending on the cause of the bleeding (gastrointestinal), the main signs of this pathological condition are the following:

  • black stool, which indicates the passage of blood through the entire digestive tract;
  • pain in the epigastric region (as a rule, this symptom indicates the presence of a bleeding ulcer in the stomach);
  • fainting, a sharp drop in blood pressure, tachycardia (such signs indicate heavy gastrointestinal bleeding).

It should also be noted that very often dark red or scarlet bloody clots are found in the brown or brown vomit that the patient regurgitates. Usually, after such an observation, bloody vomiting occurs, which threatens the patient’s life.

Home remedies for the problem

Vomiting black liquid, what it is and whether it can be dealt with at home, everyone who has encountered it will ask. Self-medication is allowed if the cause of vomiting is not a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or cancer. For food poisoning accompanied by dark discharge from the stomach, use:

  1. Two to three ripe peaches.
  2. Drink half a glass of red currant juice.
  3. Potato juice. To obtain juice, potatoes are grated or crushed in a blender, and the potato mass is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  4. Infusion of lemon zest and alcohol. Pour the peels of three lemons with half a glass of alcohol and 200 ml of water. Leave for three days in a dark place.

Pathological causes of dark brown vomiting

Frequently repeated vomiting attacks of abnormal color indicate the development or exacerbation of serious diseases and require medical action. Among the pathological causes of brown vomiting, it should be noted:

  • the presence of ulcerative formations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • development of malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • erosive processes in the intestines, formation of polyps;
  • diseases with liver failure and circulatory disorders;
  • varicose veins in the esophagus: in almost all patients with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic hernia of the cardiac orifice of the stomach;
  • systematic abuse (poisoning):
      alcoholic beverages, toxic substances and drugs;
  • gastrointestinal injuries from sharp objects that penetrated the esophagus along with food:
      fish bones, pieces from shells, shells of marine mammals, seeds from fruits, berries, etc.
  • If vomiting occurs with the formation of foam, the possibility of bleeding from the lungs cannot be ruled out. Vomit may turn brown due to medications:

    • pharmaceutical preparations containing drugs;
    • non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs - “Indomethacin”, “Aspirin”, “Ibuprofen”;
    • herbal medicinal infusions that provoke bleeding.

    If you have any suspicions, it is best to seek the opinion of a doctor. To determine the root cause, he will consider all potentially valid options and draw a conclusion.

    Nausea and vomiting in older people

    Vomiting is a spontaneous, reflex emptying of the stomach or duodenum. This act takes place under the control of the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata.

    The causes of nausea and vomiting are varied, from minor ailments to serious illnesses. As well as their manifestations - the composition, color of the vomit.

    You need to know all this when an elderly person with a weak stomach lives in the house.

    Causes of vomiting with accompanying symptoms

    Older people experience a slowdown in the body's natural physiological processes. In relation to the digestive tract, this is manifested by a decrease in the production of enzymes and a decrease in the hydrolysis of nutrients.

    With diarrhea

    In old age, chewing food becomes worse due to tooth loss. A decrease in the number of taste buds on the tongue impairs sensitivity to taste, especially sweets. Saliva production decreases, which is reflected in dry mouth. Due to muscle weakness, the swallowing process is disrupted.

    These changes lead to disruption of the digestive system, which can be manifested by nausea, diarrhea, and sometimes fever.

    Unpleasant symptoms can occur after long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics, consumption of foods, often sweets, in other situations.

    If diarrhea and nausea persist for a long time, then the reasons are diseases. Such pathologies include:

    • Crohn's disease;
    • ulcerative or pseudomembranous colitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • cholecystitis.

    Diarrhea with vomiting can also be a symptom of diseases of the endocrine system, for example, diabetes mellitus or Addison's disease. Such symptoms may indicate oncological pathologies.

    With bile

    If you are vomiting a lot of bile, then it is most likely:

    Among the diseases of the digestive system, vomiting with bile is accompanied by the following:

    • liver pathologies;
    • diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts: cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, colic;
    • cyclic vomiting syndrome;
    • acute pancreatitis;
    • obstruction of the small intestine;
    • bile reflux.

    Similar symptoms manifest themselves in intoxication, which can be triggered by taking medications, poor-quality food, chemicals or alcohol.

    After meal

    Nausea and vomiting after eating occur due to pathologies of the gastrointestinal system. The most common cause of this condition is:

    1. Gastritis, which is accompanied by:
    2. Stomach ulcer.
        Against the background of gastritis, a gastric ulcer can develop, which manifests itself with the same symptoms: severe abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea. Unpleasant sensations usually begin approximately 1-2 hours after eating. Pain may occur at night or in the morning.
    3. Cholecystitis.
        Another disease accompanied by nausea after eating. Its symptoms, in addition to nausea, include: an unpleasant metallic or bitter taste in the mouth, abdominal pain, belching, and bloating.
    4. Pancreatitis.
        Vomiting after eating may indicate an inflammatory process affecting the pancreas. With an exacerbation of pancreatitis or with an acute form of the disease, the following symptoms are noted: pain under the ribs, severe depression of health, deterioration in the general condition of the patient, and possibly an increase in temperature.


    Brown vomit may occur due to:

    • stomach erosions;
    • varicose veins of the esophagus;
    • stomach cancer;
    • polyps on the walls of the stomach;
    • poisoning with various substances;
    • liver cirrhosis;
    • damage to the esophagus by foreign objects.


    Black vomit indicates bleeding in the digestive tract. The reasons that can cause this condition are diseases that occur with damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs:

    1. Mallory-Weiss syndrome.
    2. Stomach or intestinal ulcer.
        It occurs with damage to the mucous membrane and the development of its damage. Signs of bleeding include black or dark brown vomit. The color is due to the contact of blood with hydrochloric acid of gastric juice.
    3. Stomach tumors.
        Oncological diseases of the digestive system in advanced form are often accompanied by dark or black vomit. The reasons are the disintegration of the neoplasm or the destruction of a vessel during tumor growth.
    4. Erosive gastritis.
        The disease occurs with the appearance of bleeding erosions on the mucous membrane, which can lead to black vomiting.

    The consequences of gastrointestinal bleeding depend on its strength, duration and volume of blood loss. Prolonged, mild bleeding can lead to the development of chronic anemia. If it is detected in a timely manner and treatment is started, the prognosis is good.

    Excessive bleeding can lead to hemorrhagic shock. This is a state of acute oxygen starvation of all organs and tissues. Requires prompt medical attention.

    Another possible complication of gastrointestinal bleeding is kidney failure. The cause is a decrease in blood pressure and disruption of normal kidney function.

    Treatment of nausea and its consequences is multidirectional:

    • combating attacks of nausea;
    • eliminating the effects of dehydration;
    • restoration of intestinal microflora.

    Treatments can be used traditional or folk. Following dietary instructions is mandatory.


    If vomiting occurs, the patient should be given a warm drink. If unpleasant symptoms are caused by intoxication with alcohol, drugs or other substances, then you need to take enterosorbents. Drugs in this group include:

    • Polysorb;
    • Enterogel;
    • Activated carbon;
    • Smecta.

    Sorbents help remove harmful substances from the body.

    If the vomiting is severe and does not bring relief, but only exhausts the patient, then the doctor may prescribe medications to stop it:

    • Cerucal;
    • Chophytol;
    • Motilium.

    However, they should be taken with caution and only after consulting a specialist. In case of intoxication, when toxins are eliminated along with vomit, antiemetics should not be taken.

    To normalize digestion, in case of dysbacteriosis against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the following may be prescribed:

    To improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver you need to take:

    • Mezim;
    • Pancreaal;
    • Creon;
    • Panzinorm.

    Treatment should be selected by a doctor depending on the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the elderly person.


    Traditional medicine offers its own methods of combating vomiting:

    • drinking tea with ginger or non-carbonated mineral water;
    • decoction of walnut partitions. They are brewed at the rate of a large spoon per 500 ml of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour;
  • crackers soaked in warm water for 20 minutes;
  • grated apples without peel;
  • cherry fruit drink with the addition of sage leaves;
  • green tea leaves.
      Take half a teaspoon, chewing thoroughly and drinking water.
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