Characteristics of cholecystitis in children, causes and symptoms of the disease, diagnosis, treatment rules, complications
Classification In childhood, latent forms of cholecystitis, characterized by a latent course, are most common. By
Herbs to treat nausea and vomiting
Folk remedies for nausea at home Taking such remedies is justified only if
Gangrenous appendicitis: causes, symptoms, treatment and complications
Gangrenous appendicitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Gangrenous appendicitis is the penultimate stage of acute purulent appendicitis, in which necrosis of the wall develops
Mushrooms for pancreatitis, can you eat or not?
Pancreatitis is a fairly specific disease, which is an inflammatory process localized in the pancreas.
Diarrhea and fever in a child: what does this mean, what to do for treatment
Causes Diarrhea in children is a common occurrence. A fragile body reacts sharply to external and
Donat magnesium mineral water for constipation
Does mineral water help with constipation in adults? Water for constipation
Action What are the properties of mineral water against constipation? This medicinal liquid is capable of: softening stool
Is it okay to drink milk for heartburn?
How effective is milk in relieving heartburn symptoms?
A burning sensation in the esophagus most often occurs with gastritis with high acidity. Before
bloating and abdominal pain
Why does diarrhea occur at night?
Why diarrhea may occur at night Diarrhea at night, unfortunately, is not very rare
Rotovirus intestinal infection symptoms and treatment in children without fever
How the disease progresses Rotavirus is an intestinal infection that also affects the upper respiratory
When can a child be prescribed Espumisan?
Espumisan for constipation: a cure or a cause?
Choosing a drug for children Antifoam drugs separate mucus into free gas and liquid, which is excreted
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