Prunes for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Benefits and harms in case of illness

Prunes are a special type of naturally dried plum. This method of preparing the product preserves a large amount of nutrients, vitamins, and microelements. In particular, this dried fruit contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. This composition of the product helps to increase immunity and strengthen the body’s defenses in the fight against bacteria that provoke the inflammatory process in pancreatitis.

Prunes for pancreatitis have the following beneficial properties:

  • reduces inflammation and swelling of pancreatic tissue,
  • eliminates constipation,
  • cleanses the digestive tract of waste and toxins,
  • improves metabolism,
  • reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

If prunes are incorrectly introduced into the diet of a patient with pancreatitis, this may cause harm rather than benefit, because Dried fruit contains a large amount of sugar, calories and coarse fiber. This composition of the product increases the load on the pancreas and digestive organs, irritates the mucous membranes and can cause increased inflammation.

Some patients may be harmed by the laxative effects of the product. Diarrhea is common in patients with pancreatitis, and additional laxative effects may increase symptoms.

What are prunes rich in?

The most popular of the famous dried fruits is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Dried plums are introduced into the diet of young children from six months of age. The calorie content of prunes is high, so they are often replaced when sweets are prohibited. Contains a large amount of free glucose, and therefore complex carbohydrates. The composition contains organic acids, so prunes for pancreatitis are eaten in doses. Acids are removed by evaporation and prune compote is actively used for inflammation of the pancreas. Saturating the body with vitamins, dried fruits are an important source of nutrients.

The content of vitamins in dried fruit is in descending order:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • beta-carotene;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • retinol (vitamin A).

In accordance with these vitamins, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • antioxidant effect;
  • participation in the body’s immune processes;
  • regenerating action;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • has a thinning effect on the blood;
  • reduction of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improving brain function and influencing positive mood;
  • improving the functioning of the visual apparatus;
  • improves skin condition;
  • antiseptic effect.

benefits of prunes

Separately, there is a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalization of appetite;
  • protects against inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including caries, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • removal of excess liquid and toxins;
  • increases hemoglobin levels.

With the help of mineral components (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium), memory is normalized, which is important for children and the elderly, the myocardium of the heart is strengthened, and performance increases.

plum for pancreatitis

Despite the usefulness of the product, it is prohibited to be used in the menu by people with diabetes and people prone to obesity (due to the presence of large amounts of glucose), allergic people, as well as nursing mothers, in order to avoid functional intestinal disorders in newborns.

Side effects of taking prunes for pancreatitis include flatulence and bloating. This condition is explained by the increased content of fructose and dietary fiber. If such symptoms are present, the berries are discarded.

Another possible disadvantage is its diuretic effect.

Selection rules

To ensure that the use of prunes in patients with pancreatitis does not cause harm, it is necessary to follow special rules for introducing this dried fruit into the diet and follow the recommendations for its selection.

When buying prunes, you need to examine the appearance of the fruit. Their color should be black, matte.

The fruits should be firm and fleshy. If the fruit has a dark gray or brown shiny tint, then there is no need to take it, because... such fruits were treated with insecticides and lost many vitamins, and could also absorb toxic substances.

If the surface of the fruit is shiny and oily, then they could have been treated with oils or dyes to give them a marketable appearance. You cannot buy such a product, it is harmful to health.

For patients with pancreatitis, fruits with pits are chosen, because... they retain more nutrients and vitamins and are not subject to rotting. The dried fruit peel must be free of damage, scratches, stains, grains and plaque.

The dried fruit peel must be free of damage, scratches, stains, grains and plaque.

High-quality prunes have a pleasant smell and rich sweet taste, without bitterness. The fruits of some varieties have a slight sourness, this is also acceptable.

Similar products for pancreatitis

To ensure that eating prunes for pancreatitis does not cause harm, it is important not only to follow the rules for introducing this product into the diet, but also to adhere to the recommendations for its choice.

When purchasing dried fruit, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. They should be fleshy, elastic, and have a matte black tint. Prunes with a brown or dark gray shiny color are not worth buying: such dried fruits have been subjected to harmful processing and, at best, have lost most of their beneficial substances, and at worst, they have absorbed toxic compounds.

The surface of prunes, shiny on all sides, looks attractive to the buyer, however, such fruits should be avoided: there is a high probability that they are treated with fats, oils and dyes to give them a marketable appearance and extend their shelf life.

For dietary nutrition, it is best to choose dried fruits with pits: they retain more nutrients and are less susceptible to decay. The peel of high-quality prunes should not have damage, light spots, or plaque.

Good fruits have a pleasant smell without any foreign shades and a sweet, rich taste without bitterness. Some varieties of plums produce a slight sourness when dried, which is also considered normal.

Norm and features of use

When prunes are included in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis, the form of the disease, the general condition of the patient, and the individual characteristics of the body should be taken into account.

In acute form

Patients with the acute stage of pancreatitis should not eat prunes due to the high risk of worsening the condition and progression of the disease.

You should not eat prunes until the symptoms of a pancreatic attack are completely relieved and for 1-2 months after completing the patient’s therapy in the hospital. After this, you can use the pureed dried fruit to make various dietary dishes, for example:

  • jelly;
  • jam;
  • compotes;
  • mousses;
  • casseroles.

Prunes can be used to make casseroles.

If the patient has constipation, then, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use tinctures and decoctions of the fruit, but only if the product does not cause pain, nausea or flatulence.

In the chronic stage

Patients with chronic pancreatitis can introduce dried fruit into their diet. It is consumed whole and as an addition to various dishes. You need to start with 1-2 pieces per day.

The fruits should be crushed and only then eaten.

After using prunes, you need to note positive or negative changes in the patient’s condition and keep a diary. If an exacerbation of the symptoms of pancreatitis occurs, it should be excluded from the diet until all manifestations of inflammation of the pancreas are completely eliminated.

During remission

During remission of the disease, you can consume up to 5 fruits per day. Prunes are also added to salads, side dishes, hot dishes and snacks, and jelly, compotes and desserts are prepared from it.

Permissible quantity and method of use

Prunes and pancreatitis are compatible. But in order for it not to harm the body and the pancreas directly, you should not exceed the norm of six to ten fruits per day. For better digestibility, it is recommended to chop it with a knife or grater. In this form, it can be mixed with any permitted sweet and salty foods.

Before adding prunes to your daily diet, you should consult your doctor. It should not be eaten if the menu already includes other dried fruits of any type, as this may increase side effects and increase the risk of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. You should not combine its use with sweet fruits and vegetables that contain large amounts of fiber and sugar.

Beneficial properties of prunes

Prunes are not only very tasty, but also have numerous beneficial properties. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Dried fruits normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, improve metabolism, and are also an ideal remedy for constipation.

Those who often prefer to go on diets for weight loss and health use prunes in food instead of sweet foods. This product is also often used to cleanse the body. For this reason, prunes are widely used in dietetics as an ideal natural remedy for weight loss. Many women, thanks to the use of this product, were able to lose extra accumulated pounds and get into excellent shape.

Dried fruits contain a large amount of iron, which prevents the development of vitamin deficiency or anemia.

By frequently eating prunes, you can improve the body's resistance to all kinds of viral infections and bacteria. By absorbing free radicals, this product effectively protects the body from the appearance of cancer. So are prunes good for pancreatitis?

Dried apples

Dried apple fruits have a greater supply of nutrients than fresh fruits. They not only have an impeccable taste, but are also absolutely safe for any form of pancreatitis.

They do not irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal cavity, and do not burden the pancreas.

Dry apples improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the absorption of incoming food, gently cleansing the body of harmful substances, waste and toxins.

Dried apple fruits contain large amounts of potassium and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the health of patients suffering from heart and vascular diseases.

For people with iron deficiency, this delicacy will also be useful, since dried apples contain a large amount of iron.

Such fruits will effectively raise hemoglobin levels, cope with anemia, and improve the supply of oxygen at the cellular level.

Consumption of dried fruits for acute pancreatitis

If there is an active inflammatory process in the pancreas due to a disease, the use of prunes should be treated with caution. Meanwhile, these dried fruits have an excellent diuretic effect and laxative effect. Therefore, they are often added to compotes or infusions in order to:

  1. Ease the inflammatory process;
  2. Get rid of constipation if you have problems with stool.

At the same time, prunes contain:

  • A large amount of organic acids that stimulate intestinal motility and release pancreatic enzymes;
  • Coarse fiber, which can cause loose stools, bloating and fermentation;
  • Sugar, the amount of which significantly exceeds the sugar in fresh plums. Carbohydrates, meanwhile, negatively affect the pancreas.

Also, prunes can provoke a choleretic process, which is unacceptable in case of pancreatitis, since substances can enter the pancreatic ducts and awaken the active production of enzymes in the organ. Dried fruit is a high-calorie food, which is very harmful to the pancreas. For this reason, dishes and drinks made from prunes are not recommended for everyone.

When the inflammatory process decreases and the health situation improves, you can add small amounts of dried fruit to jelly, jelly, sauce, gravy, mousse and other products.

Before this, the prunes must be thoroughly chopped or grated. In this case, it can help the patient with frequent constipation and be used as a laxative instead of medications.

A patient diagnosed with pancreatitis may experience problems with stool due to eating habits during the diet and rubbing foods, this may be diarrhea, and you need to know how to stop diarrhea with pancreatitis.

In particular, prunes may be useful for people with heart problems, since the dried fruit contains beneficial potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the myocardium. Thus, you should not completely give up eating prunes due to illness.

Similar products for pancreatitis

Can prunes be replaced with other fruits?

dried apricots for pancreatitis

Dried apricots have similar anti-inflammatory properties for pancreatitis, as well as raisins, dried cranberries and cherries. But there will be no laxative effect. Figs have similar properties, but this dried fruit is sweet, so in case of pancreatic diseases, obesity and diabetes, it is limited to one or two fruits. Eat dried fruits in their pure form, or add them to other foods or cook compote.

A diet for pancreatitis does not exclude the use of prunes, and no other fruit has a tonic or laxative effect.

The dried fruits of fleshy varieties of plums are sweet in taste, slightly tart, have a specific pleasant aroma with light notes of smoke, are characterized by a chemical composition rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as high calorie content.

Important! It is not recommended to use the product at night due to the laxative effect.

A 100-gram serving of the product contains 231 kcal. The nutritional value of prunes is based on the variety of its nutrients:

  • proteins - 2.3 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57.7 g;
  • ash - 2 g;
  • water - 25 g;
  • dietary fiber - 9 g;
  • starch - 0.6 g;
  • sugar - 56.9 g;
  • retinol (A) - 5 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 60 mcg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 1.8 g;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 3 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.02 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.1 mg;
  • niacin (PP) - 1.5 mg;
  • potassium - 864 mg;
  • calcium - 80 mg;
  • magnesium - 102 mg;
  • sodium - 10 mg;
  • phosphorus - 83 mg;
  • iron - 3 mg.

Low-quality dried fruits will not bring benefit to the patient, but on the contrary, will provoke an exacerbation of the disease. For home drying of plums, the fleshy large fruits of the Hungarian variety are more suitable. The ripe harvest is thoroughly washed, pitted and dried in any available way. To improve presentation and preservation, purchased prunes are often coated with chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the human body.

In case of treatment, it is important to make the right choice of product. The following rules will help with this:

  1. Pay attention to the appearance of dried plums. They should be matte black, fleshy and elastic. Signs of poor quality include a glossy brown or dark gray tint. It appears as a result of treating fruits with poisonous insecticides. A shiny, oily surface indicates the presence of harmful dyes, which unscrupulous sellers used to try to mask external defects.
  2. People suffering from pancreatitis prefer fruits with seeds. They contain much more vitamins and microelements than purified ones.
  3. The prune skin must be intact, without damage, signs of rotting or mold. You should also avoid specimens with plaque and spotting of unknown origin.
  4. A high-quality product always has a pleasant smoky smell and is characterized by sweetness in taste, a slight sourness is acceptable. Prunes are not characterized by bitterness.

Did you know? In ancient times in the Balkans, every person who committed a serious offense had to plant a plum tree near the road. Only then could the priest absolve the guilty person of his sins.

Prunes for mild illness

If the patient does not have any metabolic disorders in the body, then with a mild form of pancreatitis, prunes can be added to meat, poultry or fish dishes, as well as salads, baked goods, low-fat cottage cheese, and porridge dishes. Dried fruit will change the taste of dishes for the better, and also:

  1. With the help of pectin nutrients, it will cleanse the body of toxins and cholesterol;
  2. It will improve the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system due to the presence of potassium in its composition;
  3. Stabilizes surges in blood pressure;
  4. Will rid the body of harmful E. coli, staphylococci, salmonella;
  5. Stops the inflammatory process in the body with the help of antioxidants;
  6. It will rejuvenate the skin and act as an excellent means of preventing cancer;
  7. Tones the general condition of the body.

Use for chronic pancreatitis

Dried fruits can be added to dishes during chronic pancreatitis only during a period of fixed remission. The permissible quantity should be no more than ten pieces per day. If abused, flatulence may begin, stools and the general condition of the body may worsen.

In small quantities when added to food and drinks, the product helps relieve inflammation and soothe pain. In addition, it can additionally have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body, as well as have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The rate of consumption of prunes for pancreatitis

If pancreatitis is chronic, during the period of exacerbation, for example, if the diagnosis is biliary acute pancreatitis, the patient independently determines the norm, focusing on the individual characteristics of the body. With a mild form of pancreatitis, you are allowed to eat no more than ten dried fruits per day.

The exact amount is usually determined based on the patient’s weight, since prunes are a fairly high-calorie food. You also need to pay attention to the tolerance of the product and the state of the patient’s carbohydrate metabolism. If pancreatitis is acute, prunes should be consumed in strictly limited quantities, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Diseases of the pancreas, one way or another, lead to the fact that a person must limit his diet and give up his favorite foods.

Pancreatitis is a disease that develops due to poor lifestyle, excessive consumption of junk food and bad habits. What to do when your favorite food does not represent anything dangerous, but on the contrary, is considered a storehouse of vitamins?

Prunes are an excellent example of such a useful, but also dangerous product for people with pancreatic problems. Below we will answer the question of whether prunes are good for pancreatitis and other similar diseases.

The benefits of prunes for gastritis

The properties and effects of the berry on the body directly depend on the processing and method of consumption. The article discusses aspects of the effect of the berry on the body during gastritis, and whether it is permissible to consume prunes in a certain form of the disease.

Effect on the gastric mucosa

Prunes contain a significant amount of antioxidants. Biologically active substances neutralize free radicals that have a detrimental effect on the structure of cell walls. The product restores damaged epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa.

A decoction made from the fruit increases appetite. This is useful for atrophic gastritis with decreased secretion.

Effect on the intestines

Prunes have a mild laxative effect. The natural property is useful for gastritis, a disease characterized by frequent constipation.

Impact on the body

  1. Biologically active substances filling the product increase the performance and tone of the body. The phenomenon is relevant for chronic gastritis, when symptoms include increased fatigue, lethargy and decreased performance.
  2. A useful property of the berry is maintaining acid-base balance in the body.
  3. Ascorbic acid in berries increases the body's immunity and resistance to infectious diseases.

Impact on the oral cavity

A common cause of gastritis is an infectious factor. Prunes have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and heal the mucous membrane.

Prevention of cancer pathology

A number of doctors recommend using the product to prevent cancer. Gastritis and gastric ulcers are often complicated by a malignant process; eating prunes will serve as a preventive measure.

The antitumor effect is due to the antioxidants contained in prunes. Additionally, the berry cleanses the intestines and removes toxic products from the body.

The benefits and harms of prunes for the digestive system

Everyone knows that prunes are obtained after drying special varieties of plums, which allow them to preserve their taste and function after processing. Dried fruits are popular in cooking, and are also “lifesavers” during a diet or strict food restriction.

In addition to its bright taste, dried fruit has other beneficial properties. Thus, it is a source of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Prunes can normalize the gastrointestinal system, improve metabolism, and also cope with constipation.

The product is often used instead of harmful sweets to cleanse the body of toxins. Many girls like to eat prunes during a diet, since, according to those who are losing weight, they cope with extra pounds.

Thanks to dried fruit, dishes will not only change in taste, but also:

  • will be enriched with useful substances containing pectin, which cleanse the body of toxins and cholesterol;
  • will help the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system due to the potassium included in the composition;
  • will be able to regulate sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • eliminate E. coli that can form in the body;
  • thanks to antioxidants, absolutely any inflammatory processes will be stopped;
  • will rejuvenate the skin and become preventive agents against cancer, increase immunity.

Prunes are a source of iron, which can prevent vitamin deficiency and anemia. Among other things, dried plum copes with viral infections and bacteria, and fights cancer.

Prunes also have a complex composition, which should be taken into account by those suffering from pancreatitis.

  • Organic acids, of which there are sufficient quantities in the product, secrete pancreatic enzymes and promote the stimulation of intestinal motility.
  • Fiber, due to its “roughness,” can become a provocateur of fermentation processes and bloating in the stomach. In addition, a person may experience loose stools.
  • Sugar in large quantities can have a negative effect on the pancreas.

Due to the fact that prunes affect changes in the consistency and character of stool, it is prohibited to consume them during pancreatitis, because enzymes can be actively produced in the gland. In addition, the product is a high-calorie food, and this negatively affects the pancreas.

Is it possible to eat prunes if you have inflammation of the pancreas? The answer to this question lies below: you can glean information that will be useful to you at any stage of this disease.

Is it possible to have dried apricots and prunes for gastritis?

Whether or not to eat dried fruits with gastritis is always decided by the doctor, taking into account the form of the pathology and the person’s condition. It is allowed to consume dried fruits if they are indicated in the presence of other pathologies, for example, when there are problems with the cardiovascular system. It should be remembered that dried fruits should not be eaten without proper processing. Therefore, before use, they must be filled with hot water and left for at least a couple of hours.

Dried fruits are especially dangerous for gastritis with high acidity, since their coarse fibers can provoke increased production of gastric juice. This factor can cause an exacerbation with a high degree of probability. When the acidity is high, in order not to harm the inflamed gastric mucosa, it is necessary to grind dry fruits previously soaked in water using a blender or meat grinder.

For gastritis with low acidity, all dried fruits are a heavy product. They can cause problems with the digestion process. As a result, unpleasant symptoms may occur in the form of heaviness in the stomach and increased flatulence. With this form of the disease, dried fruits are allowed to be consumed only in ground form in small portions.

Is it possible to have dried apricots for gastritis?

Dried apricots are dried apricots from which the pits have been extracted. Even in dried form, this wonderful fruit does not lose its beneficial properties. Dried apricots can be useful for gastritis if a person does not have an exacerbation. This fruit is able to remove harmful substances from the body. Another advantage of dried fruit is that it can replace sweets that you sometimes want to eat.

For gastritis with low acidity, all dried fruits are a heavy product; they can cause problems with the digestive process

Doctors advise eating dried apricots during a fasting day. This is due to the high content of vitamins and macroelements. The only thing that doctors recommend remembering is that overuse of this dried fruit can affect the patient’s general well-being.

Dried apricot can in some cases be harmful to human health. This is due to the fact that apricot is often an allergen that provokes gastritis. In case of exacerbations, you should urgently visit your doctor. If you ask him whether dried apricots can be used for gastritis, he will answer that during an exacerbation it is better to refuse this food product.

It is also forbidden to consume such dried fruits on an empty stomach. You can avoid complications if you eat no more than three dried apricots at a time. You should always follow the doctor's instructions, and then you can avoid trouble.

Is it possible to eat prunes for gastritis?

If you choose between fresh and dried plums, choose fresh fruits. Despite their high nutritional qualities, prunes are considered heavy food for the stomach, so dried fruits in their natural form should not be consumed if you have gastritis. For gastritis, it is recommended only in crushed form after preliminary soaking or heat treatment.

Gastroenterologists believe that the benefits of fruits from the vitamins and minerals they contain are much less than the harm that the product can cause to inflamed mucous membranes. But sometimes doctors allow you to eat prunes during the remission phase. This applies to cases where autoimmune gastritis is diagnosed. Dried plums can stimulate the immune system, thereby allowing you to successfully fight the disease. Their quantity per day should not exceed 30 g.

Dried plums during the acute stage

During acute pancreatitis, the patient must be attentive to nutrition as never before. Taking prunes should also be under the supervision of a doctor.

Many experts recommend dried fruit because of its excellent diuretic and laxative effect, which is why recipes for compotes and infusions are so common that alleviate inflammatory processes and help get rid of constipation.

You can eat prunes only after the inflammatory process has subsided. Then carefully crushed or grated dried fruit is added to mousses, sauces, and cocktails. Such drinks are useful as laxatives, which is sometimes appropriate for pancreatitis.

People with heart problems should consume dried fruit because of its favorable composition, which includes potassium, which has a positive effect on the myocardium. You can find out whether you can eat prunes for pancreatitis or not, from your doctor. Each case is individual and requires detailed analysis.

Prunes for gastritis - is it possible or not?

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is a common ailment that affects people of all ages. The cause of the disease is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, and exacerbation of the condition is provoked by stress, poor nutrition, smoking and alcohol consumption.

To prevent gastritis from becoming chronic and causing severe complications such as ulcers or stomach cancer, the patient is advised to follow a strict diet.

Let's figure out whether prunes will be useful if the acidity of the stomach contents is disturbed, and how to choose a good quality product.

Introduction of prunes into the diet for cholecystitis

Doctors recommend consuming prunes for pancreatitis and cholecystitis due to the beneficial properties of dried fruit. The product is especially useful for the chronic form of the disease, because it can relieve a person from exacerbations.

Nutritionists prescribe diets to patients, compliance with which plays an important role in treatment. By adding prunes to the diet of a patient with cholecystitis, you can normalize bile excretory function and prevent bile stagnation.

To treat cholecystitis, a person should eat vegetables, fruits and berries, which have a stimulating effect on secretion, as well as prunes, which reduce cholesterol levels and fight constipation more effectively than medications.

The beneficial properties of dried fruit are reflected in the treatment of cholecystitis more than in the fight against other diseases.

Prunes, as we found out, are not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. A small dried fruit can resist several diseases at once and keep the entire body in order. However, in order for the effectiveness to have the highest degree, one should adhere to moderation and the recommendations of specialists.

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I love prunes, it’s especially delicious when mixed with natural yoghurt.

Is it possible to have dried apricots for pancreatitis?

Dried apricots are famous for their sweet and sour taste. It is nothing more than dried halves of large varieties of apricots. Many people confuse dried apricots with apricots. The latter is characterized by the preservation of the seed, but dried apricots are characterized by its absence. The juicy pulp, even after the drying process, retains useful vitamins and microelements, often even more than in fresh fruits.

During an exacerbation of pancreatic disease, all foods that can aggravate the situation are excluded from the diet, be it provoking gastrointestinal disorders, irritation of the mucous membranes, intensive production of gastric juice or excessive synthesis of enzymes.

After a short fast, the so-called life-saving fast, they begin to gradually introduce decoctions and compotes, including dried apricots. Due to the fact that it contains optimal levels of sodium and potassium, it has an anti-edematous effect.

In the process of preparing an infusion from dried apricots or other permitted drink with its participation, a number of the following conditions are taken into account:

  1. Dried apricots are thoroughly washed and wiped to remove any contamination from the fruit that may have formed during storage of dried apricots.
  2. The pulp is so enriched with fiber that people suffering from diarrhea are advised to strain drinks so that only liquid remains for consumption.
  3. It is undesirable to add sugar due to the fact that dried apricots contain carbohydrates that are easy to absorb, which impairs the digestion process and loads the pancreas. It is better to opt for sweeteners.

The ballast substances contained in dried apricots stimulate intestinal motility, which causes constipation, diarrhea, bloating, colic and flatulence. Therefore, except for decoctions, compotes and infusions based on dried apricots, it is better not to use it in any other form during the acute phase. But when the inflammation subsides, you can expand the menu by adding jelly, mousse, jelly, and sauce made from pureed dried halves to the diet.

For constipation in remission and chronic disease, dried apricots act as a beneficial ingredient. It also helps with potassium deficiency. Feel free to add pieces to porridge, prepare fruit sauces, pies, pilaf and meat dishes. Those who have developed a pathology of glucose metabolism due to inflammation of the pancreas should be careful when using dried apricots.

This dry fruit is also valuable for other beneficial actions:

  • Saturates the body with iron and calcium.
  • This is a natural diuretic.
  • Prevents the development of blood clots.
  • Helps remove toxins.
  • Normalizes myocardial function thanks to magnesium and potassium.

The daily intake of dried apricots is from 35 to 85 grams.

Is it possible to eat prunes if you have gastritis?

Experts believe that prunes will benefit patients with gastritis by supplementing the diet with vitamins and microelements . But dried fruits contain coarse dietary fiber and acid, which irritate the mucous membranes.

Therefore, fresh or smoked plums are contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease . You can make a compote or infusion from dried fruits.

  • For patients with ulcers or high acidity of gastric juice, it is better to abstain from use until remission occurs..
  • With low acidity , prunes will be beneficial even during exacerbations. But it will be useful to monitor your well-being and the amount of food eaten.

It is recommended to use smoked prunes for food after preliminary preparation. Dried fruits are soaked for several hours. Then the seeds are removed from them, and the pulp is crushed with a blender.

You can add honey to the mixture, previously brought to a liquid state. It is better to eat this dessert after the main meal. The combination of honey and prunes is suitable for patients with any type of gastritis.

Regarding the introduction of a particular product into the diet, only the attending physician can give accurate recommendations. You should be guided by how you feel; if pain or discomfort occurs, it is better to exclude dried fruits from the menu.

Chronic pancreatitis and prunes

In the chronic form of the disease, prunes are allowed to be consumed, but they can only be consumed in stable remission, when the main symptoms are relieved.

If the ban is lifted, this does not mean that you should abuse prunes and eat kilograms of them. Vegetable sweetness should be consumed in moderation.

The ingredient should be introduced into the daily menu gradually, starting with 1 dried plum. Before use, it is better to grind it in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Prunes are consumed on their own or added to salads, cottage cheese and other dishes, which will be preferable and healthier.

Over time, the consumption rate can be increased to 10 plums per day, it all depends on the individual reaction to the product, the patient’s body weight and the condition of the stool.

There is no need to give up eating dried plums, as they improve the functioning of internal organs, in particular the digestive system.

When taken systematically in small doses and in chronic form of pancreatitis, you can achieve:

  1. Removing harmful substances, cholesterol from the blood, thanks to pectins in the fruit.
  2. Potassium improves the functioning of the heart, vascular system, and kidney function.
  3. Blood pressure is normalized, regardless of the indicators before use
  4. Kills pathogenic bacteria and organisms, which improves intestinal flora.
  5. Due to their antioxidant effect, prunes can reduce the risk of cancer and eliminate inflammation not only in the pancreas, but also in other internal organs and tissues.

In general, this component improves the condition of the body and tones it.

Acute pancreatitis and prunes

Doctors recommend not using dried plums in acute forms of the disease, when there are characteristic symptoms of pancreatitis.

A large amount of sugar and other substances can provoke an exacerbation and deterioration of the condition, since the load on the inflamed pancreas increases.

In addition, coarse fibers overload the affected organ, increasing bile production, which can cause increased enzyme secretions.

Despite the ban in the acute form, in some cases prunes are used to relieve constipation and normalize stool.

Only a doctor can recommend such nutrition, and the fruit is not used in its pure form, but as a decoction or infusion.

In remission

In what form can prunes be used in remission? Taking dried fruit will help stabilize the activity of many body systems: kidneys, heart, intestines. Restores water-salt metabolism. Due to the content of antioxidants, inflammatory processes are suppressed, including the pancreas.

  1. You should eat no more than 10 fresh prunes per day. The characteristics of the body depend on tolerance.
  2. It is not recommended to drink concentrated compotes. It is diluted with water and no sugar is added during cooking.
  3. Wash and process the berries thoroughly.
  4. For the greatest value, you can cook prune compote with dried pears and dried apples and dried apricots.
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