What diet should you follow before gastroscopy of the stomach, permitted foods and sample menu
Let's figure it out - is it possible to drink before gastroscopy?
Many diseases of the stomach and esophagus are today treated with surgery. But the operation is impossible
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From indigestion to cancer. What problems can hiccups indicate?
 Hiccups are an unpleasant phenomenon, and their occurrence is difficult to predict. May bother 1-2 minutes or
There is a question: why can taking painkillers for abdominal pain be life-threatening?
How does the stomach work? The stomach is an important organ in the human digestive system. He eats
If pancreatic pain radiates to the scapula, what to do?
Diseases that cause discomfort in the pancreas Painful sensations in the pancreas can be caused by:
Surgical treatment of paraproctitis
Consultation with a proctologist – 1,750 rubles. What is paraproctitis (rectal fistula)? Symptoms of paraproctitis Types
Rumbling in the stomach
28 causes of rumbling in the stomach, the main methods of treatment and prevention of an unpleasant symptom
Loud rumbling in the stomach causes a person a lot of discomfort and trouble. The noisy digestive process gives
Identifying the cause of a woman's pain
Why does the left side of the abdomen hurt, colitis and pull?
November 23, 2018 Other conditions Matela Victoria What to do if you are worried
Nausea and stomach pain, weakness, diarrhea
Causes of the condition If you feel a little nauseous in the morning or throughout the day, there is a slight pain syndrome
Sour belching
Belching sour after eating: causes, treatment
Sour belching, especially accompanied by heartburn, is very common and in the overwhelming majority is
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How to relieve stomach pain at home?
Stomach pain is a fairly common complaint among patients. Such discomfort contributes to a significant decrease in quality
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