Stomach hurts after antibiotics: causes, methods of treatment and recovery, recommendations
What to do if your stomach starts to hurt after taking antibiotics
08/22/2020 Alena Masheva Health There are many diseases that can only be cured with the help of
FGDS (gastroscopy): preparation for the procedure, indications and contraindications
How long does a gastroscopy take?
FGDS, or gastroscopy, or fibrogastroscopy, or fibrogastroduodenoscopy is a highly informative research method that allows you to evaluate
Pediatric gastroenterologist
What is the name of the doctor who checks the stomach?
Constant employment, rush, poor environment, presence of fast food in the diet, uncontrolled, often unjustified medication use
heartburn, belching and feeling of fullness in the stomach
Feeling of a full stomach even after eating a little
Causes of feeling of a full stomach and belching, heartburn, bloating Often appears after eating
How to treat diarrhea in a five year old child
Water diarrhea in a child without fever
About the problem Diarrhea is a manifestation of the body’s ability to get rid of bacteria and viruses that are around
Belching of bile: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods
Belching with bitterness after eating: causes and treatment
03/31/2019 Alena Masheva Health Belching is a completely normal and natural process in the body,
What causes belching and heaviness in the stomach - causes and treatment
Causes of disturbances in the stomach and constant gas formation When consuming an increased amount of food, stretching occurs
Instructions for young mothers: how to brew dill for newborns for colic and use it correctly
Can dill water help a baby with colic?
Intestinal colic in children in the first months of life is a fairly common occurrence. It is related to
Abdominal bloating in oncology: causes, treatment
General description In the abdominal cavity of a healthy person there is always some fluid that is absorbed by the lymphatics.
pain due to pancreatitis
What do spasms in the left side mean and how to eliminate them?
Regardless of gender, all people, from time to time, experience discomfort in different ways.
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