Infiltrative process of the antrum of the stomach
What is Infiltrative disease of the stomach - a malignant tumor that grows into the stomach
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
Can the lower abdomen hurt and what other symptoms are there for hemorrhoids?
Symptoms Aggravated hemorrhoids manifest themselves as inflammatory processes that cannot but affect work
Metronidazole for gastritis: how to take and dosage
Information about the drug Metronidazole is considered to be an antiprotozoal and a drug aimed at combating pathogenic
Methods of massage for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Gastroenterology offers many techniques to help improve digestion. Treatment involves both diet and medications,
Causes and treatment of acute edematous pancreatitis: how and with what to relieve swelling of the pancreas?
Treatment protocol for patients with acute pancreatitis
A pathological disorder of the functionality of the pancreas of an inflammatory nature can have both an edematous form of development,
Mineral water
Alkaline mineral water names list for pancreatitis
Mineral water for pancreatitis is recommended as a component of complex therapy. When selected correctly, it improves
Symptoms and treatment of enzyme deficiency in children
Malabsorption syndrome is a syndrome of impaired absorption of food components in the small intestine. Absorption or
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What is a pyloric ulcer and how to treat it
Among all localizations of gastrointestinal ulcers, pyloric ulcers are the most common, second only to
Why can weight loss occur with gastritis and how to cope with it?
August 7, 2018 Gastroenterology Anna Mallaalieva Almost every third inhabitant of the planet has problems with
Flax seeds for the intestines
How to take flax seeds to cleanse the intestines: recipes and recommendations
Beneficial properties and effectiveness of use for the intestines Flax seeds contain a large amount
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