Why does it radiate to the back when there is pain in the stomach?
Gastritis is a disease of the stomach caused by damage to its mucous membrane. Everyone knows that when
Candidal esophagitis
Candidal esophagitis disease: causes, symptoms and treatment
In some cases, inflammation of the mucous membrane in the esophagus occurs due to exposure to Candida fungi.
Feelings of a lump in the throat: possible causes and treatment of the symptom
A lump in the throat and belching air can be manifestations of either one pathological process or
Proctitis (inflammation of the rectum)
Erosive proctitis: causes, symptoms, treatment
General information Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum of various origins. The rectum is
poverhnostniy bulbit boli - What is superficial bulbit of the stomach and how to treat it
Superficial gastritis of the antrum of the stomach bulbitis
What is superficial bulbitis? A feature of superficial bulbitis is inflammation of the duodenal bulb, which occurs
What can you do at home if hemorrhoids come out?
Signs of the disease How to properly treat hemorrhoids will depend on the stage of the disease. On
Inflamed pancreas
Severe abdominal pain radiating to the lower back
Main reasons If both the stomach and the back hurt at the same time, then doctors first of all
Preventing bad breath with folk remedies
Why does my breath smell like rotten eggs? Causes of pathology, diagnosis and treatment
Causes of Bad Breath Problems with bad breath can have two causes.
What is acute phlegmonous appendicitis
Gangrenous appendicitis and peritonitis At the next stage, acute gangrenous appendicitis develops with code according to
Why does heartburn occur?
Features of heartburn after eating - causes and treatment
Definition of heartburn Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation of heat or burning that spreads from the epigastric region.
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