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Dried fish for gastritis: to eat or not to eat?
All over the world, fish is considered an extremely healthy product. It is included in diets aimed at
How to drink pancreatin for adults: regimens, dosage and course of treatment
How to take Pancreatin: before or after meals?
The main purpose of the drug Pancreatin is to compensate for the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. Medicine required for illnesses
can you eat bananas for ulcers?
Is it possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer?
Relevance of the issue Gastric ulcer is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases at present.
Potassium permanganate for diarrhea in adults and children: can I drink it?
Is potassium permanganate for diarrhea an effective remedy? Poor nutrition, consumption of low-quality products, intake of certain
Treatment of stomach ulcers with alcohol - benefit or harm?
Treatment of stomach ulcers with alcohol - is there any benefit?
The effect of alcohol on the stomach Before we talk about how to treat stomach ulcers with alcohol,
Diagnosis and classification of pancreatitis in adults
Complaints of the patient Already from the first complaints of the patient it is possible to accurately diagnose acute or chronic
Calendula, its healing qualities and contraindications for pancreatitis
How to take calendula for pancreatitis and cholecystitis
The healing plant calendula, or as it is popularly called, marigold, has many positive qualities.
bell pepper
Pepper for gastritis: is it possible to eat Bulgarian, sweet, red?
People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should know what is allowed to eat and what is strictly prohibited.
The use of mint for pancreatitis: whether or not to use the plant for illness, step-by-step instructions for use, recipes for exacerbations, combination with herbal preparations
Is it possible to drink mint for pancreatitis? Mint for pancreatitis is used by many herbalists and healers.
Nursing process for chronic gastritis
The role of the nurse in caring for patients with gastritis It is the nurse who must help the person
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