Pain in the lower abdomen in a 10 year old child
When the symptoms are not dangerous If your stomach hurts after physical activity, you need to rest for a couple
Belching in pregnant women
The occurrence of belching during pregnancy in the early and late stages
04/03/2018 Category: Diseases and complications Author: Tatyana Piteryakova The body of a pregnant woman is under enormous stress. child in
When you can’t perform FGDS of the stomach
What is FGDS of the stomach? How is it carried out?
Indications The FGDS procedure is prescribed in the presence of the following symptoms: pain in the stomach immediately and
menu for guards
Peak colic in newborns at what weeks?
What is colic? Infant colic saddens the lives of many parents. They torture older babies
healthy foods for the stomach
Easily digestible foods and their role in the diet
The stomach is one of the main organs of the digestive system. Any deficiencies in the diet are negative
What should parents do if their newborn’s stomach hurts?
Relieving the baby's condition Methods of providing effective assistance to a newborn depend on the cause of the pain in
Heaviness in the lower abdomen in women: causes
Heaviness in the lower abdomen in women can be caused by many factors. Among the causes of abdominal
Medicines for stomach pain
Heaviness and nausea in the stomach: causes and treatment
Medicines for stomach pain should be taken only after the cause has been determined. First question,
Infant colic is a common cause of concern for babies and parents.
Symptoms and signs of colic in a newborn
Just a minute ago the baby was sleeping peacefully in the crib. But suddenly he began to cry and pull up his legs
colic folk remedies
How we fought colic. Part 1 - Non-drug methods.
The problem of colic in newborns did not arise yesterday or today. Back in those days
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