Herbal remedies for pancreatitis: pharmaceutical herbs for the treatment of the pancreas
Immortelle and chamomile in the treatment of pancreas
Herbal preparations for the pancreas are often prescribed even by doctors as an auxiliary therapy, so do not
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Is it possible to eat marshmallows with pancreatitis and gastritis?
The statement that a person does not like sweets is most often justified.
Causes of constant vomiting in a child after eating
The concept of the gag reflex Nausea is the feeling of imminent vomiting, and vomiting is throwing out
We solve the problem of regurgitation in infants. Komarovsky advises
About the problem In medicine, regurgitation has a scientific name - gasesophageal reflux. For the first time, as a medical
coffee with milk
Heartburn from coffee ☕: the best 5 remedies
Causes The effects of caffeine on the human body are complex. The alkaloid promotes the activation of various organs and
A special disposable container for collecting stool to determine hidden blood in it can be purchased at a pharmacy
How to properly prepare and test feces for occult blood
A test for occult blood in stool is prescribed if occult bleeding is suspected. Fine
Unpleasant sensations
Heartburn, belching and bloating - what do they mean together?
Various abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by different combinations of symptoms. Short-term failures are most common
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Dried fish for gastritis: to eat or not to eat?
All over the world, fish is considered an extremely healthy product. It is included in diets aimed at
The main symptom of IBS is a violation of the act of defecation.
Intestinal dysfunction, causes and treatment of the disease, as well as its characteristics in children
Causes of occurrence Many factors can trigger irritable bowel syndrome in a child. In most cases
How to drink pancreatin for adults: regimens, dosage and course of treatment
How to take Pancreatin: before or after meals?
The main purpose of the drug Pancreatin is to compensate for the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. Medicine required for illnesses
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