Causes of belching
What to do if you suffer from nausea and belching
With phenomena such as belching air and a lump in the throat, the causes of which may be
Urine color for hepatitis
Urine for hepatitis: norm and deviations
6891 In all cases of liver damage, there is a change in the color of the urine. Organ,
Russian scientists explained how to prevent “leaky gut” during COVID-19
Causes of problems with the intestinal mucosa The intestine is a very important organ that is especially susceptible to
Chaga for gastritis: can you drink it, how to brew it?
Useful composition The healing properties are explained by the unique composition: Resins that are absolutely harmless to humans. Stimulate appetite
Diet after removal of a polyp in the stomach: list of allowed foods, menu
Basic rules and principles of diet Polyps can be identified both in the stomach and
Bile in vomit
Vomiting after alcohol: what to do if bile appears?
When a person consumes an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages, the body becomes irreversibly intoxicated. Alcohol poisoning
Palpation of the pancreas
Palpation of the pancreas is normal
What it is? Palpation for the pancreas is a diagnostic method that involves palpation
Ranitidine for gastritis: how to take, stomach treatment regimen
The drug "Ranitidine" for gastritis If a doctor prescribes "Ranitidine" for gastritis, most likely the patient suffers
How to prepare berry jelly?
Kissel: the benefits of the drink, its harm to the body, use for weight loss and medicinal purposes
What is jelly? The drink is of Russian origin. It became famous since the times of Kievan Rus
What is a burning sensation in the pancreas area?
Characteristic signs of inflammation of the pancreas The pancreas is one of the most important organs. On
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