Sunflower oil for pancreatitis: benefits and harms, features of use (in the acute and chronic stages, in remission)
Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process affecting the pancreas. Elimination of this pathology mainly consists of
Chronic reflux esophagitis grade A - Barrett's esophagus
Erosive reflux esophagitis: the most important symptoms and how to cure it
Degrees of pathology The first (“A”) degree of the disease discussed in the article is characterized by the development of hyperemia of the esophageal mucosa,
Almagel for the pancreas: how to drink with pancreatitis?
Does the drug Almagel help with pancreatic disease? Pancreatitis is a severe pathology, activity
Is it possible to eat cornflakes with milk if you have gastritis?
Is it possible to eat corn if you have gastritis? More than half of the world's population suffers from gastritis. On the list
How is surgery to remove a polyp in the stomach performed?
How to remove a polyp in the stomach: how long does the operation last, 2 main methods of removing tumors
Chronic inflammatory processes of the upper gastrointestinal tract in most cases lead to persistent tissue disorders
Stomach dyspepsia symptoms and treatment in a child
Reasons It is worth taking into account that the digestive system of children 2-3 is most sensitive to overload
Is it possible to eat melon with pancreatitis and cholecystitis?
Progress has brought humanity the opportunity not to waste time on cooking and to feel the taste of loved ones
Gerb treatment with herbs and folk remedies
Are traditional methods effective? If we talk about ailments that are accompanied by heartburn, burning sensation, pain
aloe for stomach and gastrointestinal ulcers
Stomach and duodenal ulcers treatment with folk remedies aloe
A stomach ulcer is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of an organ, which occurs due to the influence
Kefir for gastritis: can you drink it or not?
Kefir and fermented baked milk are dietary and healthy products for the prevention and treatment of diseases
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