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Diet for weight loss with high acidity » Stomach diseases » Gastritis » Treatment » Diet Healthy people can afford
Pain in the intestines in the lower abdomen during pregnancy symptoms
How the intestines hurt during pregnancy - symptoms of the disease When the expectant mother has a stomach ache
If you have a stomach ulcer, can you take noshpa tablets?
No-Shpa for stomach pain No-Shpa is one of the most famous medications that has
composition of vitamins in cabbage
Sea kale will protect against stomach or intestinal ulcers
Chemical composition and calorie content Chemical composition of cabbage and its calorie content per 100 g: proteins
What are boils and carbuncles?
Acne due to intestinal problems: why it appears and how to treat it
“Good” and “Bad” Food Balanced and healthy food provides our body with a supply of nutrients,
Can candidiasis be caused by intestinal dysbiosis?
Two diseases, dysbiosis and thrush, are caused by one microorganism - the Candida fungus. Their development is
Unpleasant sensations
How to deal with nausea and bloating in women
Causes of the pathology Drinking carbonated drinks leads to bloating. Bloating may appear due to
Feeling empty in the stomach after eating
Causes of the disease All organs in our body have nerve endings that are interconnected.
If you have gastritis, you can drink cranberry juice when
Is it possible to have cranberry juice, jelly and juice for gastritis? Gastritis quickly transitions from acute
Use of corn and its products for pancreatitis
Is it possible to eat corn with pancreatitis or not?
Corn is considered the oldest agricultural crop to be revived in Latin America. During archaeological excavations,
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