Exercises for chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis
Life-saving exercises for pancreatitis Ecology of life. Health: Testing iron for strength is not recommended for anyone.
Propolis for stomach ulcers: how to take for treatment
Beneficial properties of propolis Bee glue has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes digestive processes, suppresses
Ginger for pancreatitis: is it possible to eat, the effect on the pancreas
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology Nov 3, 2021, 12:06 Irina 5 513 No Because
Physiotherapy for diseases of the digestive system
What is physiotherapy Treatment of any disease should not only be effective, but also
Why do animals and humans need the appendix: functions
Where is the appendix located in humans? The appendix is ​​the part of the cecum that is located on the right
Mustard for bloating
Herbs for the intestines for constipation, diarrhea, bloating (gas formation, flatulence).
Folk remedy for bloating and gas with mustard Mustard for bloating Periodically
Heartburn may occur after eating bread, especially black bread.
Why does heartburn happen from black and white bread?
Bread is the main product that is always present on the table during meals. Like white
What disease is black vomit a harbinger of?
In most cases, the appearance of black vomiting is preceded by an overdose of drugs that include
Chaga birch for the pancreas
Treatment of the pancreas with chaga mushroom
Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease localized in the pancreatic cavity. Treatment of this pathology requires
Rumbling in a newborn's stomach after feeding
Main signs and symptoms Rumbling in a child's stomach is usually accompanied by a number of symptoms. Signs
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